What is the monthly price for VHDP
What is the cost of HTP
$25 a month + tax
Payout for HTP
The most your will pay to repair/replace or get it reimbursed is...
Good things come to those
who wait
What is ADH
accidental damage from handling
How many claims can a customer make in a year?
Unlimited, $5000 max in 12 month period
Payout for Accessory
This service end up being less than...
A dollar a day
When in Rome, do as
the Romans do
How many claims can you do a year?
Unlimited, $5000 max in 12 month period
What is the per claim limit
Payout for AAL
Enrollment is super easy, it just takes...
A signature with me
Caught between a rock and
a hard place
What is the per claim limit
What sales can be earned on an eligible AT&T job
HTP only
Payout VHDP
As of recently, we expanded to where we will now cover another...
address/home as well
It’s always darkest before
the dawn
What are eight devices that are covered with a $0 service fee?
Original remotes, gaming controllers, portable DVD and Blu-ray players, blood pressure monitor, pulse oximeter, EKG, modem, external monitors, external hard drives, smart light dimmers, smart device hubs, smart smoke detector, smart alarm keypads, smart alarm motion detectors, smart alarm panic buttons, Keyboard, monitor, mouse, modems, non mesh home routers, smart alarm flood/freeze sensors, plus more
What services can HTP customers get at UBIF at no additional cost?
Virus Removal
Data Backup & Content Transfer
PC Tuneup
Payout 5G/Fios
The best thing about singing up today, you can start...
working on your wait period for protection side OR using the day one benefits
Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man
healthy, wealthy and wise