what dose the bus icon on the bus stop sign mean
Edmonton transit stops here
what dose the LRT stand for
light rail transit
what is DATS
door to door shared public transportation service for Edmontonians who cannot use regular transit
what dose the clock on the bus sign mean
the bus stops here every 15 minutes or better
what are the three LRT lines called
blue-capital line
red-metro line
green-valley line
can youth use DATS for bussing to get to school
youth can use DATS services for non educational trips (no)
what are the phone numbers for at the bottom of the bus stop sign
you can message or call them to know when the next scheduled bus will stop
at what stop do all three LRT lines connect
what are the 2 ways you can book DATS
online from 7:30am-12:00am
or by phone
what is the large number above the phone numbers on the bus stop sign mean
the bus stop ID number
when buying a single ticket for the LRT how long is it good for
90 minutes
if there is an X on the bus sign what dose the X mean
it is a rapid or express route
if you need the elevator for assistance when accessing the LRT and it is not working what number do you call