
Where do you turn in your work?

In the color tray that Miss Mia tells you to use


What is the sticker store for?

The sticker store is a prize for students who keep making good choices and doing a good job.


What are Fun Friday Points? How do you get them?

You get them by not listening, interrupting Miss Mia, or doing something bad.


What are brain breaks? And when do we do them?

When we are feeling tired or when we have been working hard, to take a break from work.


What should you have when you go to the nurse's office?

The white folder and the nurse's pass


What should be the first thing you do when you enter the classroom?

Hang bags and do your daily check in!


How can we get stuff from Miss Mia's treasure chest?

On Fridays, Miss Mia will set up her class store with the things in the treasure chest!


What are Oh Yeah and Oops points for?

If you have more Oops than Oh Yeah points, the class gets a star.


How should we act when our somebody is presenting?

Quiet, with listening ears, and ask questions after they are done


What hand signal do you show Miss Mia to go to the bathroom?

*show me


What does the random sticks person do for their classroom job?

Chooses somebody random from the class to answer a question or do a special task!


Tell me what super tickets are for? When do we use them?

Super tickets are for kids who are trying their best, helping others, or always listening to the teacher. We use them on Fridays to buy prizes from our classroom store!


What does Miss Mia use Behavior Charts for?

Telling parents whether you did a good or bad job today with behavior.


Name at least two of Miss Mia's rules

Be kind to others, everybody needs to try, raise your hand to speak or leave your seat


When do we empty out our tidy tubs?

At the end of every day


What are class meetings for?

Class meetings are for when Miss Mia wants to teach the class or talk about something important.


How do we get a star in the reward jar?

The whole class needs to listen and do their best the whole day. 


When would Miss Mia call your parents?

If you did something bad, if there is an emergency, or if you have been absent for a while.


What are some ways that Miss Mia uses the small group table?

Testing or teaching a small group of people


Name 3 things that are part of your group supplies?

Bonus question: Can we take group supplies home? Why or why not?

*pencils, glue stick, liquid glue, scissors, crayons, sticky notes

No, group supplies stay in the pouches because it belongs to our classroom, and it doesn't just belong to me


What do you do with your takehome folder?

Put our behavior charts in there, make our parents sign, and then return it to Miss Mia.


What can I do to be the VIP student for the day?

If I am chosen as the secret student, I can be the VIP student the next day and use Miss Mia's special supplies!


How does the Calm Down Corner work?

If a student is having a hard time with their emotions, they are angry, sad, or being naughty, they go to the calm down corner to think about what they did and think of a way to fix it. 2 mins with fidgets, then 3 mins of work after. You turn in the worksheet to Miss Mia when the timer is up


What is Bubblegum math? How many levels are there?

Bubblegum math is to help improve our addition and subtraction skills. There are 12 levels.


What is a class promise? Can you give me some examples of what we wrote for our class promise?

A class promise is something that you promise to do for Miss Mia