NASPA Response
Laws Reviewed
Crisis Management Model
Human behavior that has been pervasive throughout history.
What is violence?
One of the names included in working group established by NASPA President Jan Walbert to study campus violence.
Who is/are David Ambler, Renee Barnett-Terry, Les Cook, John Dunkle, Robert Gatti, Elizabeth Grirgo, Joan Kindle, and Kari Lee Siko?
The law dealing with the privacy of student records.
What is FERPA (The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act)?
While acknowledging that all situations are unique and all campuses are unique, what makes it possible to create a model dealing with campus violence.
What are commonalities in events and issues?
Often described in the literature in terms of a series of stages or phases in which actions taken on one phase build on actions taken during a previous one.
What is Campus Crisis Management, or a Campus Crisis Management Model?
Become more dangerous and more readily available.
What are weapons?
The NASPA working group were charged with these tasks.
What are 1) Examining the various reports in the past several months and best practices in the area, and 2) Developing guiding principles for practice from a student affairs perspective for the NASPA membership?
The law prohibiting discrimination on the basis of disability and providing accommodations for students who are disabled.
What is the Americans with Disabilities Act?
What is recognized about any and all campus emergencies, regardless of being guided by the same professional associations, best practices, and state and federal agencies.
What is that there is no single best answer to a campus problem or emergency?
The common phased model of crisis management adopted by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Education that has four phases.
What are Prevention, Preparedness, Response and Recovery?
Expectations from parents that we act in their role when caring for their students.
What is in loco parentis?
Two of many campuses where shootings had occurred that required the NASPA working group to study.
What is Virginia Tech, Delaware State, University of Chicago, Louisiana State University and Northern Illinois University?
The Act that, among other things, protected the dissemination of medical records.
What is HIPAA (the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)?
What we remind ourselves and others that we are doing the best we can to prevent campus violence.
What is that we can work hard to take care of our students, but we cannot prevent every act of violent behavior on our campuses? 
Another terms used when describing the purpose of Prevention as the first phase of the Crisis Management Model.
What is Mitigation?
The law enforcement agency that worked with NASPA to identify critical issues regarding campus violence.
What is the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Accreditation Commission?
The school where one member of the NASPA working group had experienced the tragic bonfire tragedy in 1999. 
What is Texas A&M?
Although not in the reading, the law that provides both crime statistics and safety programs for college campuses.
What is the Clery Act?
Through their discussions, the confusion the NASPA work group encountered when defining certain terms.
What is that there was confusion about terminology, such as campus closed versus classes cancelled, or suspension versus involuntary withdrawal?
When campuses develop plans and train personnel to respond to a variety of potential crisis events.
What is prepare of preparedness?
The location of the campus shooting that occurred in 1970.
What is Kent State University in Kent Ohio?
The individuals and groups that commissioned reports and conducted inquiries on what happened at Virginia Tech and what could be learned from the incident.
Who is the President of the United States, the Governor of Virginia, the President of Virginia Tech, as well the U.S. Congress and many other states?
Although published twenty years prior to the NASPA group meeting, and not a law, was still found to have continued profound connections to our daily work today.
What is the book  "Dealing with the Behavior and Psychological Problems of Students" (Delworth, 1989)?
When managing violence on colleges campuses, the pervasive activity that had a direct relationship with campus violence.
What is the problem of alcohol use?
The phase of the Crisis Management Model that may last for weeks, months, or even years.
What is the Recovery Phase?