Sin is breaking God's rules
God is holy
God is holy
Who were the first two people God made?
Adam and Eve
Who tricked Eve into eating the fruit from the special tree God said to not eat?
After the flood, what did people decide to do instead of obey God by spreading out over the whole world?
build the tower of Babel
God is the creator and ruler of everything.
God made the world and God made me
God made the world and God made me
What was the name of Adam and Eve's first two sons?
Whose sacrifice was rejected because it was not done with the right heart?
What did Cain do to his brother?
murdered him
What is the Bible?
The Bible is the book God wrote about who God is and who we are.
Faith is a strong trust in God
Faith is a strong trust in God
Who did God call to leave his home and go to a new country called Canaan.
Who made the right kind of sacrifice and it was accepted by God?
What did God put in the sky as a promise that God would never flood the world again?
a rainbow
Separated from sin.
God always keeps his promises.
God always keeps his promises.
Who did God save when he decided to kill all living things with a flood?
Noah and his family
Who was punished with pain in having babies?
a big family, a country, and Jesus
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
Who did God promise would come from Eve's family and defeat Satan and death one day?
What happened to the sinful cities of Sodom and Gomorrah?
burned with fire from heaven