The man Minerva marries in 1955
Who is Manolo?
The recipient of the letter written by MaTe and Mamá
Who is Trujillo?
MaTe's monetary inheritance
What is $10,000?
Bawling (p. 137)
What is crying, weeping, or sobbing?
The year the chapter begins
What is 1953?
The man MaTe marries in 1959
Who is Palomino or Leandro Guzmán Rodriguez?
The significant event that happens to Minerva in July 1957
What is graduation?
The last three lines of December 27th, 1953's entry
What is "¿Berto & Mate? ¿Mate & Raúl? ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿forever??????????"
Perspiration (p. 135)
What is sweating?
MaTe's birthday
What is October 15th?
Minerva and Manolo's daughter
Who is Minou?
How MaTe keeps the name of her male friends secret
What is referring to them with initials?
The code name for ammunition
What is tennis shoes?
Rechristen (p. 127)
What means to rename?
Date on which MaTe marries her lover
What is Feburary 14th, 1959?
Minerva's reason for crying on August 15th, 1957
Jaimito 'brands' his sons this way
Why does Jaimito include his own name in his sons'?
Three things MaTe used her diary's paper for aside from entries
What are letters, shopping lists, and class notes?
Constituency (p. 136)
What is a body of voters?
Date of the first entry after MaTe joins the national underground
What is October 14th, 1957?
Who is Mariposa (#2)?
Number of boys MaTe mentions when talking about the 'perfect man'
What is 6?
The sliding parts of the Tavárez-Mirabal residence
What are jalousies?
Bourgeouis (p. 124)
What is characteristic of the middle class?
Date of the diary entry on José Martí’s poetry
What is December 31st, 1953?