What city was mom born in?
What was mom’s favorite subject in school?
What is moms’s favorite thing to drink?
Sweet Tea
If mom had to work, her dream job would be a…
An ER nurse
What year did mom and dad meet?
When was mom born?
Marc 15, 1965
What was mom’s least favorite subject?
What is moms favorite recipe her mom made?
If mom could meet anyone, dead or alive, it would be…
Billy Graham
What year did mom and dad get married?
What did mom used to eat for her bedtime snack when she was a kid?
Chocolate Ice Cream
What was mom’s high school mascot?
The Generals
What is mom’s favorite thing to eat?
What is mom’s dream vacation?
Bora, Bora
Where did mom and dad honeymoon?
What did mom throw in the sink when she was a kid and playing with her neighbor Debbie?
HER own barbie
What extracurricular activitiy did mom take in high school?
A crepe (She learned this in middle school in homemaking class)
What is mom’s dream car?
Mom always wanted how many kids?
No specific number—she just wanted a big family
How many biological siblings does mom have?
9 siblings
Who was mom’s favorite teacher? (Name or grade)
Ms. Sanders (1st grade)
Chocolate Chip Cookies
What would mom’s luxury item be?
A full time chef
Who was mom’s matron of honor?
Aunt Yolanda