What is the title of article that will be discussed during the presentation?
The ghost of 0.7 per cent: origins and relevance of the international aid target
What was the suggested target before 0.7%?
1% or 0.75%
According to the authors, is the target still relevant today?
The authors of the article are Michael A. ________ and Todd J.___________.
Clemens and Ross
Who came up with the 0.7% goal?
The Pearson Commission
What type of tool was the target? Was this tool successful?
A lobbying tool to encourage the United States of America to increase its aid budget. This attempt was unsuccessful.
The article aims to examine the historical origins of the 0.7% goal and _________ _____ ___________ ____________.
assess its present relevance.
True/False: The United States of America did not agree to the 0.7% target.
True/False: The authors believe that the donor countries should consult recipient countries in determining their needs.
True. Aid should consider the recipient's needs.
What methodology was used in the article?
Review of original documents and interviews about the 0.7% goal
Which countries succeeded in exceeding the target?
Norway, Luxembourg, Sweeden, Germany, Denmark
True/False: If the Harrod-Domar growth model was used today, donor countries would have to allocate more than 0.1% of their GNI to foreign aid.
False. The estimated allocation would be 0.01%