Who lasted the longest on this team?
What episode does MePhone4 remember his traumatic memories about Cobs?
Episode 13
Who won this season?
Who does MePad let go to Purgatory Mansion?
Who lasted the longest on this team?
Who is the only female contestant on this team that is a newbie?
Test Tube
What does MePhone3GS repeat in episode 14?
Please, Cobs don't-
What episode was the double elimination?
Episode 11
What does Toilet constantly call MePhone4?
How many armless contestants are on this team?
Which member of this team is not on a banner in the intro?
What does MePhone4 generate in episode 10?
A maze
Which 3 characters have hosted besides MePhone and the co-hosts?
OJ, Taco, and Steve Cobs
What version of MePad is Mepad?
MePad Mini
What is on the logo next to the baseball?
A baseball bat
Who are the three contestants that are red?
Cherries, Apple, and Fan
Why does MePhone3GS have a crack on his screen?
He got pierced by one of the Light Shimmers' spears
Which episode was the merge?
Episode 12
Who did Toilet carry inside him in episode 8?
Which 3 of this team's contestants made it to the final 4?
Suitcase, Knife & Baseball
Which co-host was a guest member on this team?
What similarity do these two have by the end of the series?
They both have a cracked screen
How long is this season? (In Years)
11 Years
What did Toilet say after finding out about MePad's death?
"No one thought I could do anything right, but he believed in me. He always did."
How many members are on this team?