Inayah's favourite colour
what is blue?
The amount of pets Inayah has
What is 5?
Schools Inayah has been a student in.
What is Gibson Elementary, Chalmers Elementary, Burnsview Secondary School, VCC?
The person Inayah shares her birthday with
What is Yara?
Inayah's Dream car
What is a blue Jeep Gladiator?
The sport that Inayah has played for approximately 13 years
What is soccer?
Trip Inayah went on in march 2024 and name of friend in the room that did not go
What is Europe/Italy; Sofia?
Inayah's brother's full name
What is Mohammed Ibrahim Ismail?
Inayah's full name
What is Inayah Aleema Ismail?
Full name of Inayah's post secondary school
What is Vancouver Community College?
Inayah's favourite one direction artists
What is Zayn Malik and Nial Horan?
Amount of Inayah's close friends that have their license
what is 2? Come on guys get your license!!!!
4 of Inayah's famous nicknames
what is Ana, Anna Banana, Innu, Innie?
Inayah's favourite school subject
what is woodwork?
Hopefully, Inayah's future job
What is nurse?
Inayah's favourite Disney character
Amount of nieces/nephews Inayah has (close family)
What is 6?
Amount of domestic birds that lived on this property
What is 3?
Inayah's Favourite Artist and music genre
What is Morgan Wallen; country?
Amount of children Inayah wishes to have
what is 2-4?
Inayah's favourite type of place
what is by the water: lake, beach, ocean?
Names of Inayah's friends that are in the room
What is Sofia, Adrielle, Phoebe, Leah, Grace?
3 of Ibrahim's famous nicknames
What is Ibby Gibby, Ibu, Ibby?
Inayah's favourite song
What is Spin You Around?
Name everyone in the room (explain)
What is ....