Game-Based Play
Fun with Philosophy
Terminology Torture
Way Back When

This ancient civilization we talked about today that prioritized play as part of learning

Who are: The Greeks


During this era, people believed that there was absolute truth to discover through the Scientific Method. 

What is: Enlightenment


Showing spontaneous and undirected play

What is: Ludic


These two theorists worked together as mentor and mentee; they talked about the shift from oral cultures to written/literate cultures and how it fundamentally changed us

Who are: McLuhan and Ong


This neurochemical, sometimes called the "reward" hormone is released during pleasure and is associated with improved motivation and learning

What is: Dopamine


This era could be characterized by the belief that everything is subjective, there are multiple truths that are equally valid. 

What are Post-Structuralism or Post-Modernism


The study of knowledge and knowing

What is: Epistemology


This gentleman believed in the importance of dialogue, and that the true word requires BOTH action and reflection

Who is: Freire


de Castell and her partner Jenson developed this game to engage people in learning about public health issues

What is: Contagion


This era proposed that while there were truths to be discovered, they had to be understood in context. 

What is: Structuralism


The unique personal emotional response to an image, a specific detail in the image that resonates for that individual viewer. 

What is: Punctum


According to this theorist - films can be critiqued as one of the central ways that the spectacle is communicated to us without our evening noticing, we are told what to admire, how to behave, even how to rebel...

Who is Debord OR Zizek