Area 1
Area 2
Area 3
Area 4
Area 5

If a youth has a positive baseline UA, they will receive...

Nothing. Positive baseline UA's do not receive sanctions and the youth will have another chance.


A youth misses curfew and/or has unaccounted time. The following appropriate sanction could be...

Safety Plan or Risk Reduction Plan


According to the Incentives and Sanctions training, to motivate behavior change which response increases supervision contacts when youth are struggling

Supervision Adjustment  


What is the expected response time between detection and a response on a UA?

2 hours. Impact over time will degrade.


What is one of the three types of incentives?

Terrific, Fantastic, and Outstanding


When utilizing a EM what severity level of sanction is it?

None the EM is not a sanction (unless court order says can be used as graduated response).


According to Juvenile Response Policy, if a sanction is not completed and a motion to revoke is filed what needs to be included in the violation?

Why graduated responses were not used or successful


Why is giving incentives important to development?

Brain releases chemicals when given praise for an accomplishment. This will reinforce positive behavior. 


According to the Incentives and Sanctions training, what is one of the three elements that build trust and engagement?

Consistency, Reliability, and Predictability


According to the Incentives and Sanctions training, what technique do we use to deliver responses to avoid confusion?

The Sandwich Technique


According to the Incentives and Sanctions training, what term states there are ways to look at the negative behavior and find strengths and/or skills hidden in those behaviors?



What are the two kinds of goals?

Proxima and Distal


A youth has 5 negative tests in a row. What is an appropriate incentive you could give?

Reduce drug testing or a gift card.


According to the Incentives and Sanctions training, what principle states if the sanction is not perceived as unpleasant, the person will not be motivated to change behavior and habituation occurs?

The Goldilocks Principle


What is the purpose of sanctioning?

Stopping undesired behavior.


After the baseline test, a youth continues to test positive for drugs and/or alcohol. The following sanction would be...

Substance use or co-occurring evaluation. 


A youth is caught associating with a restricted peer. This is the first time. What could be an appropriate sanction?

Create friend list and identify peers that are positive and negative.


What level of incentive should a high-risk youth receive when they have not had any law contact in some time?

Level 1 - verbal/positive praise, travel authorization, restore personal privileges 


What is an appropriate sanction for a youth who struggles with follow house rules, but also promises an incentive as a reward if this sanction is completed?

Behavior contract


According to the Incentives and Sanctions training, to motivate behavior change which response helps build skills?

Teaching Response


What is are the three types of severity sanctions are labeled as?

Minor, Intermediate, Serious


What is one of the two types of incentives that the court must approve?

Removal of conditions and early release from probation