The "Why"
Good Thinking!
What to do?
Who is responsible?
A bit extra

This document is filled out in order to provide a detailed description of an incident that occurred within the program?

What is an incident report document


The person(s) that complete the incident report?

Who are the staff members that witness the incident and the supervisor in charge?


During dismissal, a parent asks you what happened yesterday when their child in your group fell in the playground during afterschool. Your next step is.....

What is refer to incident report of the previous day?


Jim ( group leader) and Kelly ( instructor) were watching over a group when an incident occurred when Donald (student) nose started to bleed. Who is responsible for handling the incident report?

What is both Kelly and Jim?


What is the proper classroom ratio for SACC regulated programs?

What is 1:10 ?


This type of injury is quickly elevated regardless of the level of severity.

What is a Head Injury?


These are the individuals you can ask for support during an incident taken place in the program?

Who are co-workers? Supervisors? Work colleagues?


A school teacher dismissed a child in afterschool with a cut over the eye then left for the day. You noticed the cut. What 2 important details are needed on the incident report considering the 

What is time the injury was witnessed? and What is no communication from school day faculty regarding injury? 


A student walks up to you and stated that there was a student from another class in the bathroom with an injury. who is responsible to report this incident?

What is "you/I am"?


this item is needed so that participants can identify who you are?

What is a staff t-shirt (work gear)?

We communicate with these entities once an incident occurs. 

Who are stakeholders? ( Parents, supervisors, funders, and school faculty)


You wrote an incident report about a child that scrapped their knee in the playground. You indicated who the child was, the location of the injury, area of injury, how the injury happened, and steps that were taken after the injury (contacting the supervisor, parents, and applying first aid). What is missing in the report?

What is the "time of the incident"?


You already left for the day and you realize that you forgot to mention an incident to the director that you feel is important. What are your next steps?

What is email/call/text the incident to the director or admin as soon as possible?


These are the individuals responsible for the well being of participants in the program.

What is all staff members working within the program?


These items should readily available should an injury occur within the program. 

What is First Aid kit?


this is the occurrence relevant to "time" in which an incident needs to be reported to a supervisor.

What is immediate?


This entity will need to be called immediately if an incident involving potential loss of life occurs?

What is "911"?


A parent asks you to see the incident report regarding a child that hit their child the previous day. What are your next steps?

What is deny access to document and contact program director?


Who is responsible for ensuring all follow-up measures post the occurrence of an incident has been taken?

Who is the program director?


When dealing with food, this document is needed to ensure proper measures are being taken for participant well being. 

What is a medical/ allergy list?


These 3 things are the reason we have incident reporting.

What is protecting the participant, staff (you), and organization?


No matter what happens,  this person always needs to be informed of all incidents that take place within the program. 

Who is the Program Director?


Failure to report an incident that occurred during your program activity can result in____________.

What is corrective action?


You are on a field trip and an incident occurs. You are unable to reach a Director or Assistant Director and any other staff member at your site. Who do you calling/communicating with next?

Who is Associate Executive Director / Jose Miranda


These two trainings are required and most important to ensure the well being and safety of participants within the program.

What are the Mandated Reporter and Foundations of Health and Safety training?