The pink triangle on Xuno means...
Student has a diagnosis and tier 2 funding
Education Support
Disability Inclusion Learning Specialist
Jess Jacobsen
The blue triangle on Xuno means...
The student has a diagnosis and tier 3 DIP funding
Individual Education Plan
Inclusion Manager
Leah Grossman
IEPs are found...
On Xuno, under the Individual Education Plans tab, next to Student Maps
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Where students (and teachers) can go to regulate or get extra support for their learning needs
Inclusion Hub
Student snapshots are found...
On the notes tab of a student's Xuno
Disability Inclusion Profile
The four legged King of Inclusion
Expectations for Inclusion students and their devices are...
The same as every other student (and sometimes they have extra restrictions)
Pathological Demand Avoidance (think ODD - bonus point?)
These two in-house Programs are run in the Inclusion Hub for students
Handwriting Intervention Program and Social Skills Program