Numbers Plot
Literary Terms
Literary Techniques/Excerpts
This adjective means self-satisfied and conceited.
What is smug?
In the work of literature, Numbers, it is the part of the story when Spider dies.
What is the Climax?
It is Jem's role in the work of literature, Numbers.
Who is the Protagonist?
It is the name of the character who had faith in Jem and believed she was a good person and not capable of placing a bomb at the London Eye.
Who is Karen?
It is the literary technique used in the following excerpt from "Numbers": "Obviously I told them where to go, but it didn't make any difference. They were like a pack of dogs with a bone." p. 31 par. 3
What is a Simile?
A verb meaning to seek to achieve a goal or to make a dream come true.
What is aspire?
In the work of literature, Numbers, it is the part of the story when Jem finds sanctuary in Bath Abbey.
What is the Rising Action?
It is the term that refers to the message, lesson, or moral underlying the plot.
What is a theme?
It is a major character in Numbers.
Who is Spider?
It is the literary technique used in the following excerpt from "Numbers": "After about a decade of sitting in silence, she found some music to put on and then decided to fix some food, leaving me on my own." p. 205 par. 3
What is Hyperbole?
This noun is a British word meaning a loud fight or argument.
What is a row?
In the work of literature, Numbers, it is the part of the story when Jem is hospitalized and unable to speak to others.
What is the Falling Action?
It is the literary term that refers to Jem's gift of seeing numbers on every person she meets, and the effect it has on her.
What is the Antagonist?
It is the character who helped Jem see she was holding on to anger for a long time, and helped her understand she needed to forgive her mother.
Who is Brittany?
It is the literary technique used in the following excerpt from "Numbers": "Streetlights were popping on, giving the stone an orange glow, picking out the shape of the city's fingers reaching out into the fields." p. 228 par. 1
What is Personification?
This verb means to become less active or intense. Example: When a storm calms down, this action verb is often used.
What is subsided?
It is the part of the plot in Numbers when Jem and Spider are having breakfast at Rita's Cafe, when they were on the run.
What is the Rising Action?
It is the part of the plot line in the work of literature, Numbers, when the London Eye is blown up.
What is the inciting incident?
It is a minor character who is a flat character in Numbers.
Who is Mr.McNulty?
Identify the literary technique used in the following excerpt from "Numbers": "And I did go to sleep, an instant, dreamless sleep, away from the world for a few hours, away from the tick, tick, tick of the clock." p. 219 par. 3
What is Onomatopoeia ?
An adjective meaning continuing an attack without mercy; non stop.
What is relentless?
It is the part of the plot line in the work of literature, Numbers, when Jem becomes a mother and realizes she is a good mother, and no longer has her "gift" but her son, Adam does.
What is the Resolution?
It is the resolution in the work of literature, Numbers.
What is after the birth of her son, Adam, Jem no longer sees the numbers of other people; but discovers her son Adam does?
It is the protagonist and antagonist in Numbers.
Who is Jem and what is Jem's gift of seeing people's numbers/death dates?
It is the literary technique used in the following excerpt from "Numbers": "Bloody Mike Tyson'd have trouble with you." p. 69 par. 2
What is an Allusion?