Future 1
Future 2
Conditionals 1
Conditionals 2
Conditionals 3

The film __________ (begin) at 8pm.

a. will begin
b. is going to begin
c. begins
d. is beginning

c. begins

Present Simple: timetabled events, 3rd person singular (it).


Look at the time! It's getting dark. I __________ (call) an Uber to go home. 

will call

Will: decision taken at the moment of speaking (spontaneous).


What do I like eating for dinner? Well, if I'm not very hungry, I __________ (have) a sandwich.

a. just have
b. will just have
c. would just have
d. would have just had

a. just have

Zero conditional: Present Simple (condition) / Present Simple (result).

Used to talk about situations in general.


I won't be bored during the road trip _____ I have my Nintendo Switch with me.

a. when
b. unless
c. as long as
d. if only

as long as

Given this situation.


I'll make some extra pizzas _____ more people decide to show up.

a. when
b. if
c. in case
d. on condition that

in case

Preparing for a possibile scenario.


I'm so happy! I __________ (spend) my vacations in New York at my uncle's house. We've been planning it for such a long time.

a. will spend
b. am going to spend
c. am spending
d. will be spending

c. am spending

Present Continuous for arrangements: more elaborate/certain plans, which include other people, place, time...


I can't go out tonight 'cause I __________ (study) for the test.

a. will study
b. am going to study
c. will have been studying
d. am going to have studied

b. am going to study

Be going: decision taken before the moment of speaking (plan).


If it rains next weekend, I __________ (binge watch) some animes.

a. will binge watch
b. am binge watching
c. binge watch
d. will have binge watched

a. will binge watch

First conditional: Present Simple (condition) / Future Simple (result).

The condition doesn't describe a generalization, but it's about a specific occasion (next weekend). Furthermore, the condition is possible.


Erik, you may not go to that party with your friends _____ you do great next test.

a. on condition that
b. if
c. as long as
d. unless


The same as "if you don't do great".


I'll let you choose the song for our game _____ you behave well in class today.

a. on condition that
b. unless
c. if only
d. I wish

on condition that

Otherwise, you won't choose the song.


My house is a mess right now. I can't meet you on the weekend 'cause I __________ (help) my parents clean everything up.

a. will help
b. will be helping
c. will have helped
d. will have been helping

b. will be helping

Future Continuous: focus on the duration of the action over a given period of time.


Once the semester __________ (be) over, I'll have loads of time to play my games.

a. will be
b. is
c. is going to be
d. be

b. is

Present Simple: time clause, 3rd person singular (it).


If a homeless guy __________ (enter) the classroom right now, Luiza __________ (freak out)!

entered / would freak out

Second conditional: Past Simple (condition) / would + bare infinitive (result).

Used to talk about hypothetical situations (unlikely/impossible).


If Motta __________ (not stop) drumming, Benjamin __________ (go) crazy!

doesn't stop / will go

First conditional: Present Simple (condition), 3rd person singular (he) / Future Simple (result).

The outcome depends on a condition which is possible.


Guilherme is awesome! I __________ (be) so sad right now if I __________ (have) any other teacher.

would be / had

Second conditional: Past Simple (condition) / would + bare infinitive (result).

Used to talk about hypothetical situations (like one that is different from the reality right now).


I'm sure that I __________ (buy) my own house by the time I'm 30.

a. will buy
b. will have bought
c. will have been buying
d. am buying

b. will have bought

Future Perfect: finished action at a point in the future.


I met my best friend when we were 5 years old. We're 13 now, which means that, in 2026, I __________ (put) up with his/her shenanigans for a decade!

a. will be putting
b. will have put
c. will put
d. will have been putting

d. will have been putting

Future Perfect Continuous: an action started in the past and its duration isn't finished at a point in the future.


If Gustavo hadn't spent so much money on useless stuff recently, he __________ (not miss) Luísa Sonza's last concert.

a. didn't miss
b. wouldn't miss
c. wouldn't be missing
d. wouldn't have missed

wouldn't have missed

Third conditional: Past Perfect (condition) / would have + Past Participle (result).

A different action in the past leads to a different outcome (which is also in the past).


Marina doesn't _____ she _____ (be) any different. She's happy just the way she is.

doesn't wish / was (were)*

A (lack of) wish to modify a current (or future) situation.

*"Were" is actually the "correct" form regardless of the subject (subjunctive mode), that's why it's more formal. 


I can't believe Neil Cicierega is here at the mall! If _____ Duda _____ (be) here... She loves him so much.

only / was (were)*

A wish to modify a current (or future) situation.

*"Were" is actually the "correct" form regardless of the subject (subjunctive mode), that's why it's more formal.


I started this boring book on April 23rd because of a school project. I haven't finished it yet – which means that, in 20 days, I __________ (read) it for two whole months!

will have been reading

Future Perfect Continuous: an action started in the past and its duration isn't finished at a point in the future.


By the end of the year, I __________ (finish) Independent 6 and will receive a diploma in a special event.

will have finished

Future Perfect: finished action at a point in the future.


If I __________ (not speak) Portuguese in class in the first half of the semester, my grades __________ (be) much better then.

hadn't spoken / would have been

Third conditional: Past Perfect (condition) / would have + Past Participle (result).

A different action in the past leads to a different outcome (which is also in the past). 


I really wanted to go to Mamma Mia that day. If _____ Ludmila _____ (invite) me to go along...

only / had invited

A wish to modify something that has (or hasn't) happened.


I _____ Ana Luiza ______ (not talk) to me about random stuff while my teacher was trying to explain this subject. Now I'm a bit confused.

wish / hadn't talked

Regret about something that has happened.