Daily Living Skills
Social Skills
Money Skills
Community Safety Skills
Kitchen Skills
You should do this at least twice a day.
What is brush your teeth
Being friendly and polite towards other people will make them want to be...
What is a friend
This is a plan for your money
What is a budget
This is the kind of voice I should have when riding in a vehicle with my peers
what is a quiet or calm voice
When taking something hot out of the microwave or oven what should you use?
What is pot holders or oven mitts
Doing your laundry means to do this.
What is wash your clothes
What is a head vs heart decision
what is making a decision with out thinking about it is a heart decision making a decision by thinking about it is a head decision.
Putting money away, just in case, for large purchases, is called a..?
What is a savings account
When riding in a school van or on public transportation, what kind of hands should I have?
what are safe hands
This lists everything that you will need to cook with and how to cook it. What is it called?
What is a recipe
Name a 3 ways to maintain good hygiene?
What is change clothes daily, shower/ bath daily, brush your teeth.
What does it mean to be flexible?
What is being open to other opinions and ideas. It means being able to accept a change in a situation and go with out it upsetting you.
You are at a restaurant and your bill was $18. What combination of bills should you use to pay for your meal? (Don't include tip). Hint: $5+$5=$10
What is $_______
These are people are examples of what is considered "safe strangers"
Who are police officers, fire fighters, EMTs
This is something you should always do before you cook or eat anything
What is wash your hands
One way to stay safe in the house is to...
What is lock the doors
What does it mean to respect authority?
What is listening to your parents, boss, or supervisor.
This is a building where people keep their money safe
What is at the bank
When waiting for the bus/train this is where I should hold my money / bus pass.
Name all 4 food groups
What are fruits, grains, vegetables, protein.
Name a few ways to maintain a healthy life.
What is exercise, play sports, eat right
What does it mean to be a good friend?
what is that listening, kind, sharing, or helping
Can you name each coin and how much each coin is worth? Hint: There are 4 answers for this question.
What is quarter = 25c dime = 10c nickel = 5c penny = 1c
What should you do if you are lost and do not have a cell phone?
What is go into the nearest store or business. Explain to them that you are lost and ask them to use your phone to call for help.
This is how scissors should be carried
What is closed and by holding onto the outside of the blades