This place in school is where you go when you feel sick or need medical attention.
What is the nurse's office?
This public facility allows you to borrow books, use computers, and find information.
What is a library?
When purchasing an item, you must hand this to the cashier.
What is money?
This form is filled out when applying for a job and includes your personal information.
What is a job application?
You use this to wash your hands and face.
What is soap and water?
This small card should always be in your wallet and contains your name and emergency contact information.
What is an identification card?
If you need to send a letter, you must buy this item to put on the envelope
What is a stamp?
This machine allows you to get a snack or drink by inserting money and making a selection.
What is a vending machine?
This document shows how much money you earned and deductions taken from your pay.
What is a paycheck stub?
After using the restroom, you should always do this.
What is wash your hands?
These signs, often red and white, help direct pedestrians and vehicles to stop, yield, or go.
What are traffic signs?
This transportation system includes buses, trains, and subways and requires following schedules.
What is public transportation?
Before doing laundry, you should read this to ensure proper washing instructions.
What is a clothing care label?
These two terms on your paycheck tell you how much you earned before and after deductions.
What are gross pay and net pay?
This personal care item is used to clean your teeth.
What is a toothbrush?
When crossing the street, you should follow these lights and painted markings for safety.
What are pedestrian signals and crosswalks?
These signs help direct people through buildings and public spaces by using arrows and words like "EXIT" or "ENTRANCE."
What are directional signs?
These small devices tell time in hours and minutes.
What are clocks and watches?
If you can’t go to work, you must do this to inform your employer.
What is call your supervisor?
To prevent body odor, you should use this daily.
What is deodorant?
If a stranger approaches you and asks for personal information, you should do this.
What is refuse to share personal information and seek a trusted adult?
When shopping for clothes, checking this label ensures you buy the right size.
What is a size tag?
When mailing a package, you must correctly write this on the envelope.
What is the recipient's address?
This newspaper section lists job openings for people looking for employment.
What is the help wanted section?
When choosing an outfit, you should consider this to make sure it is appropriate for the weather and occasion.
What is clothing selection? OR Check the weather?