Personal Hygiene
Social Skills
Healthy Living
Around the House
In the Community

How often should you wash your bed sheets?

Once a week


What is an agreement reached by two people or a group of people?



Chicken, beans and eggs are part of which food group?

a. Dairy

b. Carbohydrates

c. Proteins



Why is it important to turn off the lights after you leave a room?

To conserve energy.


What should you do before leaving your apartment/room?

Make sure the door is locked, and that you have the key.


Name 3 ways to maintain good personal hygiene.

1. Take a shower daily 2. Wash/Clean your clothes 3. Brush your teeth 4. Wash your face

What are two ways to tell how someone is feeling?
Look at their body language Look at their facial expression
Why is getting exercise important?
Exercise helps people lose weight and lower the risk of some diseases. Exercising to maintain a healthy weight decreases a person's risk of developing certain diseases, including type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.
Why is it important to keep your room clean?
It helps you to stay healthy and clean and it keeps away insects.

What place holds your money - perhaps in a savings account?

A Bank

This activity should be done at least twice a day in order to maintain good oral hygiene.
Brush your teeth Floss your teeth
Why is it important to make eye contact when talking to someone?
Shows that you are interested, shows that you are paying attention, shows that you care about what they are saying.

How many hours of sleep should you get on average?

7-9 hours

What are two ways to keep your clothes neat and organized?
Fold them and put them away or hang them up.

What are normal business hours that most places are open?

Monday-Friday 8am-4pmish

(answers can vary)


Why is it important to always wash your hands before eating and after using the bathroom?

To stop the spread of germs.

Why is it important to take turns?
It allows other people to get a chance to do/or say something.

Why is it important to drink water every day?

To stay hydrated, helps to keep you energized, makes you feel less tired, helps with digestion, helps strengthen your immune system

Why is it important to do laundry regularly?
It helps you to have good hygiene and keeps your clothes clean and smelling fresh.

When taking a bus how would you be able to find out what time it will be at the bus stop?

Look at the sign that is posted at the bus stop, or you are also able to look it up online using the name of the bus and location of the bus stop


If you are sneezing and don't have a tissue, where should you sneeze into?

Your elbow


When someone tells you to "Have a good day" how should you respond?

You should say thank you and tell them to have a good day too.

Why is it important to eat a variety of foods?
To have a well balanced and nutritional diet.

When working in the kitchen, what should you do when you are done using the dishes?

Wash them and then put them away.


If you are having a hard time living on your own, what resources do you have to reach out to?



-Community case manager 

-Your boss at work (if you are comfortable)