Goal Setting / Decision Making
Getting along with Others / Friendships
Emotional Wellness
Internet Safety

Thinking about areas you’d like to improve and how you will work toward improving in those areas is known as....

Goal Setting


Name 3 qualities of a good friendship

  • Respect and trust 

  • Acceptance for who you are, even as you grow and change

  • Listening and comforting

  • Freely expressing feelings and emotions without judging or criticizing

  • Offering and receiving help, advice, and encouragement

  • Enjoying each other’s company

  • Not taking advantage of each other

  • Talking about topics of mutual interest

  • Boosting each other’s confidence

  • Compromises—not always getting your way

  • Kindness and compassion

  • Including and inviting each other when making plans


Name two things you can do to take care of your emotional and mental health.

Speak to a friend/loved one

Speak to a therapist

Take part in activities you enjoy

Exercise, eat well, meditate, yoga, take breaks, etc.


Name 2 pieces of information you should be careful not to give out on the internet

Bank account number

Debit Card Number


Social Security Number

Non-Driver ID Number

Passport Number


Name 3 ways to demonstrate professionalism at work.

Being on time, dressing appropriately, good  hygiene and neat appearance, being a team player, have a good  attendance record, being open to learning new skills, contributing ideas


Ariana has 2 different types of goals.  Her first goal is to exercise at least twice a week.  Her other goal is to save money to travel to Australia.  What are these two types of goals called?

Short Term and Long Term Goals


Angela texted her friend Emma an hour ago and she still hasn't heard back!  Angela repeatedly texts her and thinks that Emma is mad at her.  Her final text to Emma is "Fine, don't text me again!".  Was this ok for Angela to do in this situation?  Why or why not?

No, just because Emma hasn't answered does not mean she was mad at Angela.  There could be many other things that Emma was doing.


Alex has been feeling sad recently. He doesn't know the reason for his sadness as everything is going well in his life. He just want to stay home and watch tv in his bed all day. What are two things he can do?

Reach out to people for support that he trusts 

Eat well and exercise

Doing something fun. 

Help others

See a therapist if needed


If someone you do not know messages you on Facebook saying they were your old classmate and wants your address to meet up with you, you should give it to them since they are your old classmate.

True or False

False.  You do not know for sure this is an old classmate, or if this is someone you can trust.

Bonus:  what can you do instead?


What are 3 reasons people work, besides money?

Meet other people and build a social support network

Be proud of your accomplishments

Be involved in my community

Keep myself busy

Gain a sense of freedom and independence

Learn new skills that will help me in all areas of my life

Being responsible and valued

Participate in something that matters to me

Learn from others

Use my strengths and abilities to be valuable to others


Justin has a goal to cook a nice dinner for his boyfriend.  Name 3 smaller tasks Justin could do to help him achieve his goal.

Find a recipe

Watch a cooking video

Buy the ingredients and equipment

Practice cooking the meal with others

Cook the meal


Name 3 things that a person can do to get along well with other people?

Be friendly and smile. 

Engage in conversation. Look at the person as they talk. Nod along when they speak. Ask questions.

Show a genuine interest in the person. 

Listen when the person speaks. 

Don't interrupt

Think before you speak. Does it relate to the conversation?

Compliment the person. This makes the person feel good.

Be polite.

Be positive.


Name 3 things that Alex can do to take care of his physical health that will improve his emotional/mental health?


Get enough sleep

Yoga, mindfulness, meditation

Eat Healthy Foods

Limit foods that negatively affects our mood such as caffeine, sugary snacks, or fried food

Drink lots of water

Avoid alcohol and all drugs


Name 3 things you should do to make sure you are safe if you meet up with someone you met online.

Tell a family member or friend where you will meet up 

Meet in a public place

Have a video chat first

Share you GPS location with a family member

Ask someone to wait nearby

DO NOT give out your home address or have  them pick you up.


What are 2 topics you should avoid talking about at work?

Relationships, sexuality, gossip, politics, religion, finances, personal or family issues. 


Name 3 examples of long term goals

Live independently 

Get Married

Get a job

Go to college

Get a driver's license

Buy a car/house

Travel independently


Anthony and Leon are roommates. Their bedrooms are right next to each other, and noise easily travels through their rooms. Anthony is playing loud music while Leon is on an important call. Leon shouts, "turn down that music, no one needs to hear that!". Anthony does not listen and keeps playing. Leon yells again, and Anthony turns it down a bit. Leon is still having trouble hearing the person on the phone.  What could Leon and Anthony done differently in this scenario?

Leon could have went to Anthony calmly to ask that the music be lowered because of his phone call.

Anthony could have played his music at a lower volume or asked Leon if he minded if he could turn it up a bit.


Alex has been feeling so stressed recently.  He has been arguing with his housemate about cleaning, he has started a new job, and he is worried about his aging grandmother that he is really close to.  What are two things that Alex can do to take care of his emotional well-being?

Expressing feelings in appropriate ways

Find a calming place

Think before he acts

Practice Deep Breathing

Notice Feelings and practice mindfulness


Sally had a terrible day at work.  She goes home and vents on Facebook about how awful her boss is and how rude the customers are.  Her profile is private, but she does have some work friends on her Facebook. It's totally fine that she posted this.

True or False


Nothing is truly private on the internet, even if her profile is set to "private".  Additionally, her work "friends" may not truly be her friends and could report her, making it likely that she would at least get written up if not fired.


Your coworker has put their arm around you a few times. You have avoided them because they are making you feel uncomfortable. They then start pressuring you to go on dates with them even after you’ve told the no.

What is this called and what should you do about it?

Sexual Harassment

Tell your supervisor and/or Human Resources


What is Self-Determination?

Being able to lead in decision-making and problem-solving about all aspects of your life, along with having the proper supports to help you with those decisions


Lynn and Lauren are roommates.  Lynn told Lauren last week that her mom was coming over on Sunday for dinner. Lauren just informed Lynn that she is thinking of having some friends over at the same time. 

What compromise can Lynn and Lauren make for this situation?

Have them come at separate times

Have them come a different night

Everyone eats dinner together


Alex has gotten through some tough times.  He has developed good coping skills to deal with challenges and changes.  He does feel anger and sadness, just like everyone else, but he is able to bounce back and successfully handle what life has given him.  What is a word that can describe Alex's ability to do this.



A ______ is someone that writes mean, harmful, or offensive comments to another person usually with a hidden identity.

Cyber Bully


While at work, your boss walks up to you and lets you know they want to talk about some mistakes you have been making.Your boss begins showing you the correct way to to do your job.  You are surprised by this because you think you have been doing a good job.

Role Play the incorrect and correct way for the employee to respond to their boss.

Incorrect - becoming rude, defensive, angry

Correct - thank them for the clarification, ask them for support, remain calm