Independent Work
Collaborative Work

True or false: Independent work is when you work alone.



True or false: Collaborative work is when you work with others.



Name one thing that is the same about both types of work.


Requires planning and organization

Involves problem-solving

Needs effective communication skills

Develops critical thinking

Requires time management

Builds responsibility

Enhances learning and skill development

Can be challenging

Requires adaptability

Involves setting priorities


What is one way independent work is different from collaborative work?

Independent work: you make all the decisions by yourself. This means you choose how to do your tasks, what ideas to use, and how to solve problems without anyone else's input.


Name one activity you can do by yourself.

Multiple answers:

Example- reading a book, brushing teeth


Name one activity you can do with friends.

Points if student accurately provided example.


How can both types of work be fun?

Share your opinion!


 How do you feel when you work alone versus with others?

Tell us your opinion! 


How does working alone help you learn?

  1. Focus: When you work by yourself, it’s easier to pay attention. There are fewer distractions, so you can concentrate on what you are doing.

  2. Go at Your Own Pace: You can take your time and learn at your own speed. If you don’t understand something right away, you can spend more time on it without feeling rushed.

  3. Practice: Working alone gives you a chance to practice skills on your own. This helps you remember things better because you are doing it yourself.

  4. Make Your Own Choices: When you work by yourself, you can choose how you want to do things. This helps you learn what works best for you.

  5. Build Confidence: Completing tasks on your own can make you feel proud and confident in your abilities. This helps you believe in yourself for future challenges!


 How does working with others help you learn?

  1. Sharing Ideas: When you work with others, you can share your thoughts and ideas. This helps everyone come up with new and creative solutions that you might not think of by yourself.

  2. Learning from Friends: Your friends might know things you don’t, and you can learn from each other. If someone explains something in a different way, it might help you understand better!

  3. Teamwork Skills: Collaborating teaches you how to work as part of a team. You learn how to listen, compromise, and support each other, which are important skills for the future.

  4. Motivation: Working with others can make learning more fun and exciting! Your friends can encourage you and keep you motivated to do your best.

  5. Problem-Solving Together: When you face a challenge, working with a group means you can brainstorm together. More heads often come up with better ideas to solve problems!


What skills do you use in both independent and collaborative work?

  1. Critical Thinking: You use your brain to think deeply about problems and come up with the best solutions, whether you’re working alone or with others.

  2. Creativity: You can think of new ideas and ways to approach tasks, which is valuable whether you’re creating something by yourself or brainstorming with a group.

  3. Organization: Keeping your work and materials organized helps you stay on track, no matter if you’re working independently or with a team.

  4. Listening: Whether you’re listening to your own thoughts when working alone or listening to your classmates in a group, being a good listener is important for learning.

  5. Goal Setting: You can set goals for what you want to achieve, whether it’s during an independent project or while working towards a common goal with your team.

  6. Adaptability: Being able to adjust your plans or ideas based on what you learn or what others suggest is important in both types of work.


Name one tool you might use for independent work.

Give an example


Describe a time you worked alone successfully.

Points if student successful described an event.


Describe a time you worked with a group.

Points if student accurately responded to question.


Describe a project that could be done alone or with a group.

Points if student accurately described a project.


Name one tool you might use for collaborative work.



Google Doc




What is one challenge of working alone?

Points if student accurately described a challenge of working alone.


What is one challenge of working in a group?

Points if student accurately provided response to question. 


What is one goal that can be achieved in both types of work?

Example: School. Most classes will require you to work with a partner at some point.

Which do you prefer and why?

Tell us your opinion!