True or False
Examples of Independant Work

 You really want to tell Kennedy a story of what happened on the weekend, but you're in the middle of independent work. What do you do?

A) Tell her right away

B) Wait until recess or an appropriate time when you can talk to her.

C) Don’t tell her at all

B:Wait until recess or an appropriate time when you can talk to her.


Mia and Samantha are working together during an independent work period. What do you do?

  1. Let them continue and sulk there wanting to work with your friend.
  2. Inform them that it’s an independent work period.
  3. Mislead your classmates and tell everyone that we can work with a friend.

2: Inform them that it’s an independent work period.


independant work is when you work in a group.

  1. True
  2. False



Yves is trying to finish his math because he doesn’t want homework over the weekend. Piero keeps talking to Yves because Piero has already finished his math. Yves is about to blow his fuse, but he manages to keep calm. What can he kindly ask Piero to do? 

  1. Ask Piero to go away. 
  2. Ask Piero to please let him finish his work, so that they can grind Fortnite when they get home.

2:Ask Piero to please let him finish his work, so that they can grind Fortnite when they get home.


Ms Koritko tells Pierre to quiet down. What should Pierre do?

  1. Pierre should argue with the teacher that he wasn’t loud.
  2. Pierre agrees but continues to be loud.
  3. Pierre quiets down and stops being loud.
  4. Pierre ignores the teacher.

3. Pierre quiets down and stops being loud.


You have been stuck on the same question for most of the work period and are starting to get overwhelmed. What do you do?

A)Hand in your work missing answers and give up.

B) Ask your friend beside you to copy their work.

C) Go up and ask your teacher to explain the question in a different way.

C: Go up and ask your teacher to explain the question in a different way.


The teacher said your math today is independent work but you really want to work with your friend. What should you do?

  1. Work with your friend anyways
  2. Work on it independently and partner up with them next time
  3. Don’t do the work at all.

    2: work on it independently and partner up with them next time.


William thinks because he's done he can just play games and live life. Is what William is doing right or wrong? 

  1. Right
  2. Wrong 

2. Wrong


Piero is now sad, because he has no one to talk to. Alex sees Piero and talks to him. Piero sees that Alex hasn’t finished his math yet and thinks he should remind Alex to finish his work so that Alex can play Fortnite with him and Yves. What should Piero say? 

  1. Start talking to Alex about Barcelona
  2. Remind Alex that he isn’t finished, and if he finishes he can play Fortnite with Piero and Yves
  3. Walk away from Alex and hurt Alex’s feelings.

2: Remind Alex that he isn’t finished, and if he finishes he can play Fortnite with Piero and Yves


Ms. Koritko just finished explaining what they are supposed to be working on. Tristan wasn’t listening and asked Jonathan what he’s supposed to be working on. What should Jonathan tell Tristan? 

  1.  tell him to do the wrong work so he can teach him a lesson.
  2. He can tell him the correct work and what to do.
  3. Tell him we have free time to do what we want.

2: He can tell him the correct work and what to do.


Ms Koritko said you should add a little more detail to your work, but you want to play games instead. What should you do?

A)Ignore her and go play games

B)Try to add more detail

C)Say you don’t want to and hand it in

    B: try to add more detail


Mia and Gabbriella are giggling at the back of class causing lots of distractions during independent work. What do you do?

  1. Try to ignore them and if it excels ask them to stop (try not to ask a teacher for help).
  2. Scream across the room and tell them to be quiet, making more noise.
  3. Let them continue and get none of your work done.

1: Try to ignore them and if it excels ask them to stop (try not to ask a teacher for help).


Valentina is talking to her friends and not doing her work. This is a good example of independent work.

  1. True
  2. False

2. False


Pierre is taking a test and working hard. Henry finished his test and is bored. Henry wants to talk to Pierre so badly but he doesn’t want to distract Pierre. What should Henry do?

  1. Talk to Pierre and make Pierre fail his test because he didn’t finish it.
  2. Don’t talk to Pierre, but talk to Alex
  3. Talk to himself
  4. Take out a book or any unfinished work.

4: Take out a book or any unfinished work.


the class is doing a math test and the teacher says not to cheat or else you’ll fail. Pierre is not intimidated and looks for a way to cheat; he sees a formula for how to solve the question 3. What should Pierre do?

  1. Ignore it and tell the teacher it's there.
  2. He uses it then tells the teacher to cover it 
  3. He doesn't say anything and just uses it
  4. He feels bad and doesnt use it but doesn't tell the teacher it's there

1: Ignore it and tell the teacher it's there.


You're stressed about the due date but you see all your friends blow through the work like it's child's play. This makes you nervous thinking you don't have enough time to finish. What do you do?

  1. Bring it home and finish it then sit in class with nothing to do the next day.
  2. Make your friends finish it for you, with a chance you could get caught.
  3. Wait for the next work period and if you're still not finished ask if you can bring it home.

3. Wait for the next work period and if you're still not finished ask if you can bring it home.


Georgia stands up in the middle of class and starts to walk/run around the classroom. What do you do?

  1. Get up and start walking with her.
  2. Kindly ask her to sit down.
  3. Yell at her to sit down and then you both get sent outside.

B: Kindly ask her to sit down.


Samantha is quietly answering her math questions during independent work. This is a good example of independent work.

  1. True
  2. False

1. True


Pierre and Piero are doing independent projects. They have to go outside to do research on trees in the schoolyard. Pierre finds a ball underneath one of the portables. Pierre wants to take a break and play soccer with Piero. What can Pierre do?

  1. Finish his work, and wait for Piero to finish then play
  2. Finish his work and play with Piero, even though Piero isn’t finished.
  3. Play by himself even though he hasn’t finished.
  4. When both of them finish their work, go and ask whatever teacher is in charge if they can play.

4. When both of them finish their work, go and ask whatever teacher is in charge if they can play.


What is independent work?

  1. to work efficiently on assigned tasks all by yourself or with little assistance from the teacher.
  2. Working with partners or in a group
  3. Working quietly
  1. to work efficiently on assigned tasks all by yourself or with little assistance from the teacher.

You finish your test early and have nothing to do. You want to hand it in but remember that the teacher tells you to review your work at least two times. What should you do?

  1. You’re confident enough in your work that you hand it in.
  2. Start looking over your work and see multiple mistakes that you fix.
  3. You go to hand in your work and the teacher asks if you’ve checked it over, you lie and say yes.

2: Start looking over your work and see multiple mistakes that you fix.


Jakub is working hard and is almost done but Js isn't and he asked Jakub for help but the teacher made it clear that they can’t help each other but Js offers him 5$ to help him. What should Jakub do?

  1. He takes the 5$ and helps him secretly and doesn’t get in trouble 
  2. He says no, but helps JS understand it better.
  3. He says one sec and doesn’t ever help him
  4. He says 10$ and i’ll help.

2:He says no, but helps JS understand it better.


Stephanie is locked in doing her work without talking to her friends. This is a bad example of independent work.

  1. True
  2. False


2: false


The whole class is doing their independent math projects. Yves and Henry are finished. Yves pulls out his book, and Henry pulls out his unfinished work. Pierre is also finished, and quietly pulls out a snack. Are they all doing what they’re allowed to do? Explain.

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Maybe
  4. I’m confused

1: Yes


In China how do they work independently? 

  1. They can work with their classmates.
  2. They have to work alone but can listen to music.
  3. They can ask the teachers for hints.

1. They can work with their classmates.