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what is reklamering
how old is the sport kabaddi
what is 4000 years old
where in india are there proced most films?
what is Mumbai
traditional dance in kerala?
what is kathakali
what does the word tinged mean?
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what kind off sport is very famous in india?
what is cricket
What are the most famous film industry?
what is Bollywood
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What is the name of a game you often see a group off people playing on the street?
Who is the most popular songwritter in hindi films?
A.R. Rahman
what does the word leisure mean ?
what is fritid
Who is the biggest star off Indias national cricket team?
what is sachin tendulkar
How many films does the indian filmindustry proces each year?
what is over 800 films
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Who was named sportsperson off the Century by the indian olympic association?
what is P.T Usha
What is the most famous movie of all time in india
dilwale dulhania le jaycage
indians use their finger to under the dance?
what is to tell a story from one of the traditional texst