
What is the difference between  Thereveda and Mahayana?

Theravada and Mahayana are both branches of Buddhism. Theravada is the traditional religion and means that you will follow the eight fold path in life. Mahayana is a different version of Buddhism where you worship Buddha as a god in hopes of getting to heaven where you will follow the eight fold path to Nirvana.


What factors caused the fall of the Gupta empire?

Internal uprisings, Hun invasion.


What is the Difference between Brahmin and Brahma?

Brahmin is a person that belongs to a high class of religious leaders in Hindu culture. Brahma is the most worshiped Hindu god who is thought to be in everyone and everything.


How did the religious ideas of Buddhism and Hinduism, Indian culture, and ideas spread during the Chola empires reign?

Through trade, the Chola Empire promoted the spread of Indian  culture, religion, and innovations.


What are the 6 Hindu concepts?

Tolerance, the belief that God is present in everything, Ahimsa (fighting injustice by non violent means), Reverence for the environment, Karma, Spiritual liberation.


What empire came before the Chola empire?

The Gupta Empire.


Who was Buddha before enlightenment?

Buddha was a prince named Siddhartha who sat in meditation for 40 days without food or water to learn how to obtain true peace. 


What impact did the Chola empire have on India?

The Chola empire promoted the spread of Buddhism and Hinduism.


What was the Bhakti Movement?

A branch of Hinduism emphasized social, religious equality, and the use of vernacular languages to show devotion to God


What does the political term "power vacuum" mean?

It means when a ruler is overthrown lots of small kingdoms fight over who should win the throne.