What are the 4 colours of the medicine wheel?
Red, White, Black and Yellow
What are the 4 sacred medicines?
Cedar, Tobacco, sweetgrass, and sage.
What did the Indigenous culture do with their salmon?
Bonus: If you can tell me what they used to catch the Salmon.
They hung and dried the salmon, and stocked before the winter months. They use gilly nets to catch the salmon.
With animal hides, what is something you can make with the hides?
Drums, rattles, leather, sleeping pads.
What does spiritual health mean?
Spiritual health means practicing your beliefs and values. A Individual may partake in traditions from their religion.
Describe what smudging is.
Indigenous practice to clear bad energy around them, create a clean space and clear mindset.
What does coyote [Skelep] represent in the Indigenous culture?
The trickster, as well as the teacher.
In a powwow, Indigenous people wear _______. To honour there tribes and their backgrounds.
Hint: "Its not a costume".
Can you describe in detail the difference between mental health and emotional health?
Mental- Positive self talk, trying new things that could be challenging. Going to the doctors if you hit your head.
Emotional- Being aware of your emotions and what you are feeling. Having tools in your tool belt when you may not be feeling well.
How do you say a land acknowledgment? Explain in detail.
A land acknowledgement means you are acknowledging that the Indigenous people where the first people to discover the land and what has happened in the past to the Indigenous culture. That you will respect the land and continue to learn about the culture.
I would like to acknowledge that I work live and play on the unceded territory of the Secwepemc'uluw people. That the plants and animals give me strength, the water gives me clarity.
Where do the Indigenous laws come from?
Hint: Think about the difference between how our laws are written, and Indigenous laws.
Within the land and mother nature. Our laws are written down and can be changed anytime. Whereas Indigenous laws have been the same from the beginning.
What are the 2 of 4 things you put into a medicine bag?
Hint: Think of the first 4 people
1. A rock or mineral
2. Cedar and sage
3. Tea (meant for socializing)
Can you name off 3 each things you do for your physical health.
Sports, nutrition, stretching your body, practicing good body mechanics.
In the winter, Indigenous people gathered for _________. Telling others about their traditions and teachings.
Hint: If you read a book out loud, what are you using?
In the winter, Indigenous people gathered for oral Story telling. Teaching others about their traditions and teachings.
Who are the first four people?
Hint: Think about our land, and what helps us today.
1. Mineral People
2. Plant People
3. Animal People
4. People People
What does Orange shirt day represent, and why do we honour that day?
Orange shirt day is to protect and acknowledge the Indigenous culture because of what has happened in the past. Indigenous people where taken from their homes and some havent returned to their families, the language is less that 20% spoken.
Where did all of the Indigenous teachings come from?
Hint: Its an animal that comes from the sea, ______island.
Turtle Island
What is one of four of the rules while harvesting?
Bonus if you can get two.
1. Never pick the first
2. Get to know the plant or animal, (how much to take and when to harvest. If its endangered).
3. Only take what you need
4. Always leave an offering
What does Metis mean?
A french man and a Indigenous cree woman had children. Therefor they are considered Metis.
The medicine wheel is not just called the medicine wheel. It means much more than medicine. What other things could it represent?
Hint: One can mean the seasonal round, (Spring, winter, fall, summer). Think in 4's
Circle of life, (Infant, adolescent, adult, elder)
The 4 directions, (North, East, West South)
4 Sacred medicines, (Cedar, sage, sweet grass, and tobacco).
4 elements, (earth, fire, air, water).