Wars and Battles
The Treaty of Greenville
Leaders and Chiefs
Bonus questions

What were The French tradeing guns for from the Native Americans?

They continued to trade guns and other European manufactured goods for native furs.


What did the treaty end?

The treaty ended the “Northwest Indian War.”


Who was the U.S secretary of war?

Henry Knox.


What did the natives use as cover in the battle of fallen timbers?

Fallen trees.


Who led the Natives in the North Indian war?

The leader of the army of Natives was Little Turtle.


What was the treatys main idea?

With the treaty, the land was opened for Euro-American settlers to establish homes, farms, towns and cities which enabled Ohio to prosper.


Who was the leader of the U.S army in the north territory?

Josiah Harmar.


What treaty tried to stop the bloodshed in the northwest territory?

The Treaty of Fort Harmar.


How many men did Harmar lose in his attempted fight?

Harmar lost 183 men in the fight.


When did Ohio become a state?

Ohio offically became a state in "1803".


Who was the leader of Harmars army in his confrontaion with Little Turtle?

Colonel John Hardin.


when was the Treaty of Greenville signed?

 On August 3, 1795


What were the main tribes that were in the war?

 Wyandot, the Delaware, the Ottawa, the Chippewa, the Potawatomi, and the Sauk.


What did the Americans do if natives disagreed with the treaty?

They would be targeted by Ohio militias for harassment, conflict and removal.


How many men did Hardin lose in his battle with Little Turtle?

Harbin lost 183 men in his battle.


Who tried to convince the Americans to not start a war with the Natives?

Arthur St. Clair


What tribes did Little Turtle lead in a fight to stop a supply train in Greenville?

On June 30, 1,500 Shawnee, Miami, Delaware, Ottawa, and Ojibwa led by Little Turtle attacked a supply train leaving Fort Recovery for Fort Greene Ville.


What would Native Americans receive if they accepted the treaty?

Native Americans living on reservations received annual payments of money from the federal government.


Who did Little turtle refere to lead the battle of Fallen Timbers? ( Hint : He was a Shawnee leader)

Blue Jacket.


How many men did Fort Washington have?

320 regular soliders and 1100 untrained men.