Offering of Gifts
Metis Knowledge and Diversity

True or False: Taking pictures, audio or videos is acceptable when an Elder is performing a spiritual ceremony?



Why is Tobacco important to First Nations people?

Tobacco is one of the sacred gifts the Creator gave to the First Nations people. Tobacco has a variety of medicinal purposes, and establishes a direct communication link between a person and the spiritual world. It is sometimes said that tobacco helps to open the doors of knowledge.


What bird is the most sacred and why?

Eagle; it carries prayers to the Creator and is therefore heard by the Creator.  


Metis people are from which two cultural backgrounds?

First Nations and French


Who are the caretakers of knowledge systems, stories, songs and kinship networks in Metis culture?

Old People (Elders)


Are all Elders keepers of the same knowledge?



When would you offer tobacco?

If an Elder accepts your request for assistance, then tobacco is given.


What plants are generally used for smudging in Saskatchewan?

sweetgrass, sages and cedars. 


What is the official language of the Metis Nation?



What two colors of Metis flags are there?

Red and blue


Who is an Elder's Helper?

As a sign of respect, it is important to coordinate a host or escort for the Elder while they attend your event/meeting.


What different colors of cloth may you offer?

Red, blue, green and yellow.


What is a pipe ceremony?

A pipe ceremony is the most powerful way of communicating with the spirits is to smoke tobacco in a sacred pipe. smoke from the tobacco carries the prayers to the Creator and is offered to the Creator and the 4 directions. 


What were some reasons why the Metis sash was worn?

It was decorative, warm and could be used to carry belongings, as rope, a wash cloth, towel, saddle blanket or bridle. Threads from its fringed ends could be used as an emergency sewing kit when the Métis were out on a buffalo hunt. The sash also served as a tourniquet for injuries or to wrap broken bones.


Are all Metis traditions and customs the same across the country?

No, they are very diverse


Name some qualities an Elder has?

• Knowledge of First Nations’ and Métis heritage and history 

• Knowledge and support for traditional First Nations’ and Métis ceremonies, protocols and songs. 

• Fluency and competency in a First Nations’ language. 

• Be an advocate of traditional leadership, traditional governance and traditional law.

 • Be aware and supportive of treaty rights and history.

 • Acknowledge the diversity of First Nations' cultures, languages and traditions in Saskatchewan. • Work to ensure the intergenerational transfer of traditional First Nations’ knowledge, history, culture, language and practices to youth. 

• Support and observe the sacredness of First Nations’ traditions, ceremonies, sites and practices. 

• Have an understanding, be supportive and play a leading role in kinship ties. 

• Have a knowledge of First Nations’ traditional healing, which may include the use of traditional plants


When would you offer cloth to an Elder?

Cloth is offered when you first approach an Elder for guidance or assistance. It can be offered to both male and female Elders.


Elders recommend that each person enters the sweat lodge with ________, ________ and ________.  

Appropriateness, kindness and prayers.


What musical instrument is used most commonly in Metis music?



How are Metis Elders chosen?

Old People are chosen by the community


Who is an Elder?

An Elder is a person recognized by a First Nation community as having knowledge and understanding of the traditional culture of the community, including the physical embodiment of the culture of the people and their spiritual and social traditions.


Can you offer tobacco and cloth at the same time?

Offering cloth can be done at the same time as gifting tobacco. Cloth represents a prayer and colors are important.


What should men and women wear in the sweat lodge?

it is suggested that women/female identified people wear a long dress, covering the upper and lower body, and carry a towel to cover one's self. Men/male identified people should wear shorts with a towel wrapped around their shoulders and/or waist.


What items might you find inside a Red River Cart?

Meat, bison hides, pemmican, items for trade and personal belongings.


What do the colors of the sash mean?

Red: Is for the blood of the Métis shed through the years while fighting for our rights. 

Blue: Is for the depth of our spirits. 

Green: Is for the fertility of a great nation. 

White: Is for our connection to the earth and our creator. 

Yellow: Is for the prospect of prosperity. 

Black: Is for the dark period of the suppression and dispossession of Métis land.