Where are the Creole languages spoken?
The Caribbean
How many Indigenous languages are there in Colombia?
Name one Indigenous language spoken in Colombia
See instructor
Why is it important that policies protect Indigenous languages?
How many Creole languages are there in Colombia?
How many language families are there in Colombia?
Name one of the families of Indigenous languages spoken in Colombia
Tucano, Guahibo, Arawak, Macú-puinave, Chibcha, Uitoto, Bora, Sáliba-piaroa, Caribe, Tupí, Chocó, Quechua, Peba-yagua
In what year was the Plan Decenal de Lenguas Nativas created?
Name one of the Creole languages
San Andres Creole, Palenquero
What is the estimated number of Indigenous language speakers in Colombia?
Name one of the independent languages spoken in Colombia (i.e. one that does NOT belong to a language family)
Andoke, Awapit, Kamentsa, Kofan, Nambrik, Nasa yuwe, Tikuna, Tinigua, Yaruro
What does the Plan Decenal de Lenguas Nativas recognize?
The inherent right of peoples to communicate in their own languages across the national territory
How were Creole languages created?
Creole = one language that has developed into another
Why do language experts disagree on the number of Indigenous languages spoken in Colombia?
There is a fine line between what is a language vs a dialect
Which language family has the most languages that it belongs to
Tucano - 21 languages
Along with Indigenous languages and Creole languages, what other language does this policy protect?
Sign Language
How many people speak the Creole languages in Colombia?
approx 20,000-30,000
Which Indigenous language in Colombia is the most widely spoken?
Wayunaiki - 300,000 people
Name one language family present in the Amazon
Bora, Caribe, Uitoto, Arawak, Tukano occidental, Tukano oriental, Quechua, Peba Yagua, Tupi-guarani, Saliba-piaroa, Maku-puinave
What are some of the recommended actions to protect Indigenous languages?
Strengthening of associative work among indigenous peoples. Applicability and monitoring of the regulations established in Law 1381 of 2010. Dissemination of language plans with indigenous communities. Implementation of generational change strategies in order to safeguard the native languages of indigenous peoples. Implementation in institutions and educational centers, courses or subjects that seek to strengthen native languages. Carry out actions that allow the use of appropriate communication to protect, care for, educate and revitalize native languages