When did residential schools begin?
When did the sixties scoop begin and end?
1951 - 1991
The Residential Schools are referred to as a form of…
Cultural Genocide
The purpose of the Indian Act (for the canadian government) was to get what from Indigenous people?
Their land
TRC stands for
Truth and Reconciliation Commission
What year was the first National Truth and Reconciliation day?
What is one reason social workers incorrectly took indigenous children?
1) Thinking parents weren't taking care of them (community parenting)
2) No refrigerator
Which biblical story can we make a similar comparison to when we think of Indigenous children getting their hair cut?
The Indian Act promised to let Indigenous people keep this, but it was actually a lie
Their freedom
The purpose of the TRC is to..
Make amends for the past and make sure it doesn't happen again
When did the federal government apologize for residential schools. (extra 100 - which prime minister apologized?)
2008 - Stephen Harper
What percentage of indigenous kids were placed indigenous homes after being taken?
2 short term and 2 long term consequences of residential schools
Answers Vary
What was the Pass System of 1885?
Indigenous people had to apply for a pass to leave the reserves
When did the Indian begin?
What did social workers have to tell indigenous band leaders starting in 1980?
Before Residential schools ended, what did the government turn them into?
Boarding houses
To force Indigenous people onto reserves, what did the government do?
Withheld food and starved them until they agreed to move
When was the TRC put into effect?
What year was the settlement agreement giving sixties scoop survivors 750 million dollars created?
In 1951, how many children were placed in child protective services in BC? How many in 1964?
25 and then 1466
Approx how much settlement money has been agreed to by the canadian government to go to survivors of residential schools?
2.3 billion dollars
What important aid did the government withhold from Indigenous leaders who tried to fight against the Indian Act?
No lawyers were allowed
The Honourable Murray Sinclair, Chief Wilton Littlechild and Dr. Marie Wilson are honorary patrons of the TRC. On occassion, what are they asked to do?
Provide advice, engage in public education, speak with potential funders and perform ceremonial functions for the group