History of Indigenous People

A teacher is having children read a popular book in English. There are a few indigenous students who do not speak this language. The teacher is having students read out loud. What hardship is this student facing?

The student is facing the hardship of their native language not being incorporated into the curriculum.


A teacher is having children read a popular book in English. There are a few indigenous students who do not speak this language. The teacher is having students read out loud. What hardship is this student facing?

-The teacher can find the book in their native language so that they can follow along.

-The teacher could have translations for students in a packet so that they have both languages. 

In the 19th Century...
-Native American children were sent to boarding schools 

Drop out!

-Girls have a higher dropout rate due to gender discrimination, and sexual abuse. 

-Ethnic and cultural discrimination


Drop out! Ethnic and cultural discrimination

-Teachers could discuss different cultures in the classroom. 

-Have open discussions so that all students can ask questions and learn from their peers who may be different than them. 


Why were Indigenous people shunned?...

-Showing any of their culture; including speaking in  their native language


A teacher is talking to students about Thanksgiving. He is having each student dress up in head wraps and are all singing and dancing around. He explains to students that this is the true meaning of Thanksgiving.

When this culture is brought up it is being talked about with a lack of educational knowledge on the teacher's end. (Teacher's are missing information).


A teacher is talking to students about Thanksgiving. He is having each student dress up in head wraps and are all singing and dancing around. He explains to students that this is the true meaning of Thanksgiving.

-The teacher can do some extra research before teaching the subject 

-The teacher can make sure they are not mocking the culture 


What did Indigenous people have to give up?

-All aspects of their culture such as their names and clothing 


A teacher randomly throws an exit ticket at the end of her lecture. She wants to check for understanding so she has each student stand up in front of the class to share one thing from the lesson.

-Verbal form of formative assessment 


A teacher randomly throws an exit ticket at the end of her lecture. She wants to check for understanding so she has each student stand up in front of the class to share one thing from the lesson.

-The teacher could have students take out their journals and write down a few ideas.

-The teacher could try and turn and talk approach.


Indigenous People Include... 

Native American Tribes, Native Hawaiian, The Lakota, & ETC