Native Maine
Indigenous History
Indigenous Food
Columbus Facts

This traditional style of boat made from burning out the insides of logs was used to turn the rivers of Maine into some of America's first major trading hubs.

What is a Canoe?


Over 15,000 years ago, the early ancestors of Native Americans crossed a land bridge over the Barring Strait to enter North America from this eastern continent.

What is Asia?


This American crop, often called "maze" by native Americans is a staple of native American diets even today.

What is corn?


On August 3, 1492, Christopher Columbus set sail with these three ships on a voyage that would eventually end up in the Americas.

What are the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria?


This orange vegetable, typically made into pies and associated with the holiday season, was one of the first crops to be grown in Maine by native tribes such as the Micmac and Maliseet. 

What is a Pumpkin?


The people of this native tribe have lived around the lands near the Grand Canyon for thousands of years. They are considered to be among the oldest Native American Tribes.

Who are the Hopi?


This simple dish is made by slow cooking corn and lima beans.

What is Succotash?


King Ferdinand of Spain, originally hired Columbus to sail west in search of a faster route this eastern country.

What is India?


With a registered and federally recognized population of over 3,000 people, this tribe is one of the largest in Maine.

Who are the Passamaquoddy?


This Native American Tribe aided the United States Army during WW2. Their native language was used to encode US messages and the Native Americans who enlisted in the Army for this purpose were known as "Wind Talkers"

Who are the Navajo?


This starchy plant, although native to Europe was eventually brought to America by early settlers and quickly became a staple food among Native American tribes.

What are potatoes?


This large, mostly flightless bird, native to the Americas was and is a traditional food here. (Especially during Thanksgiving) However when Columbus first brought them back to Europe it astonished onlookers there.

What is a Turkey?


This confederacy of indigenous people is made up of at least five native American tribes with land in parts of Maine and Canada. The name of this group of tribes 

Who are the Wabanaki?


True or False: The largest Native American reservation belongs to the Navajo Nation.

True. The massive parcel of land stretches for over 16 million miles and covers parts of Arizona, New Mexico and Utah.


Though Native American diets consist mostly of vegetables, meat is another important part of indigenous cooking. Deer was among the most commonly hunted game but on rare occasions tribes in Maine would hunt and eat an even larger prey.

What are Moose?


When Columbus arrived in what is now Mexico, he was introduced to an early version of this now quintessential holiday drink made from the seeds of the cacao tree.

What is hot chocolate?


True of False: The land that currently makes up the State of Maine has been home to one native tribe or another for over 11,000 years.

True. Members of the Wabanaki or "People of the Dawn" have been living in Maine since at least 9,000 BCE.


This leader of the Sioux Nation fought and won against General Custer at the famous battle of Little Big Horn.

Who is Sitting Bull?


Native American groups such as the Aztec were the first to grow and produce this dark colored candy that is now popular throughout the world.

What is Chocolate?


True or False: Christopher Columbus was NOT actually the first European explorer to discover America.

True. While Columbus' 1492 expedition is more well known it was actually Leif Erikson, a viking from Iceland who first landed in North America almost 400 years earlier.