Political, Legal and Social Background
Current Issues & how are they being addressed?
Issues in current policies

This 1763 document was the first legal recognition of Indigenous land rights in Canada.

What is the Royal Proclamation of 1763?


This term describes the practice of police disproportionately stopping, questioning, or arresting racialized individuals without justification.

What is racial profiling?


Which commonality exists between the struggles of Indigenous and Black Canadians?

What is systemic racism


This Canadian law, first enacted in 1876, regulates Indigenous governance, land, and culture.

What is the Indian Act?


Indigenous people make up approximately 4.5% of Canada’s population but represent what percentage of provincial and territorial prison admissions?

What is 31%?


This policy has been criticized for limiting Indigenous self-governance by placing decision-making power in federal hands.

What is the Indian Act?


The 1969 White Paper sought to eliminate this status for Indigenous peoples in Canada.

What is Indian status?


This principle, named after a Supreme Court case, requires Canadian courts to consider the unique circumstances of Indigenous offenders when sentencing.

What is the Gladue Principle?


How the Black Loyalists contributed to the development of Canada 

What is fighting for the British during the American Revolution


The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) was created to investigate the legacy of this system that forcibly removed Indigenous children from their families.

What are residential schools?


The Canadian government is implementing this UN declaration to enhance Indigenous rights and sovereignty.

What is the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP)?


This issue describes how racialized communities often lack meaningful input in legal and policy decisions that directly affect them.

What is exclusion from the policymaking process?


This 1982 amendment to the Constitution formally recognized and protected Indigenous rights.

What is Section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982?


This assessment, recently implemented across Canada, evaluates the role of race and culture in an offender’s background before sentencing.

What is the Impact of Race and Culture Assessment (IRCA)


A major criticism of the current justice system is that Black individuals are less likely to receive these two sentencing alternatives compared to White individuals.

What are probation and conditional sentences?