Indirect language
Making Inferences
Making Inferences
You are at the bowling alley with friends from class and one of your classmates says to you," Hey do you have any money?" What is their true intention?
They want me to pay for something at the bowling alley either bowling, snacks, etc.
You get up and your mom is watching the news. As you leave she yells,"Make sure you have an umbrella" You look outside and its beautiful what can you infer?
Your mom watched the weather and rain is expected at some point today.
A student comes home from her basketball game. When she gets home she comes in the house and slams her books on the table and stomps off to her room. What can you infer happened at the game?
They lost

You are at home and your mom says to you, "If you have a moment why don't you set the table." What is she really saying to you?

you should set the table now.


You are working with a group and you keep talking about a new game you got for your birthday. The group keeps staring at you and doesn't say much. What do you need to do?

Change the subject or stop talking so much

3 student's leave the class without the SUBSTITUTE teacher's permission. What inference can you make?
When the teacher returns there may be a consequence.
You go to play your video game and your dad walks into the room and asks you,"Is the garbage out?" Knowing that this is a chore you do daily- what is he asking you?
Did you take the garbage out?
What can you infer about this situation: Your teacher walks in and asks if everyone read the homework assignment. She then tells you to put all your books on the floor and get out a pencil.
Pop quiz time!!
On a plane trip, you notice the woman acorss the aisle is resetting her watch. What can you infer?
She was traveling somewhere that the time zone was different.

You keep talking to a person you really like and their responses are really short and they stop making eye contact. What do they want you to do?

Go away or stop talking


You are talking with someone who is sitting close to you. They keep backing away and turning away when you talk. Why are they doing this?

Your breath may smell bad. 


Your mom tells you that she needs hot glue, markers, and more paint. She asks if you can pick them up from the store, what type of store should you go to?

Art supply store. (hobby lobby, Michaels, etc. )