Who's last name is Santoso?
Darren Santoso
how many beds are there in our apartment now?
What were all the season 3 sport options this trimester
Softball,Baseball,Competitive Tennis,Developement Tennis and Badminton
Is Indonesia longer than Australia?
Yes, no or its about the same ?
Yes it is longer
who are my two teachers for band?
Mr beder and pak ai
What is mikail's last name?
Mikail Junaid
What is does the sign on mums work building say?
is there a strings bash as well as a band bash?
True or False?
is indonesia longer than the USA?
Yes, no or its about the same?
Yes or it is about the same
is mikail fasting?
Is mikael fasting?
Yes- most days
Yes-every day
Who was with me in my host family?
Which country were they from?
What level did we used to live on?
The 31st floor
How many kilometres is it to get to school taxi?
What did i cook for health?
what did i have to bring?
chips and salsa.
An onion and a lime.
What two fruit trees can you find at JIS?
Banana and rambutan tree.
Who's the best at table tennis at school?
What is the tall building in front of my rooms name?
The icon tower
What 4 languages are at JIS- not including english
mandarin chinese, spanish, french and bahasa indonesia
About how far in hours is the place indramayu from here
What language does Mikail do?
Who is in my percussion group in band?
Me, Ved, Stella and Kabir
What is this buildings name?
What is the one across from us-other side of the pool?
What is the one diagonal from us?
Which one do we see when we walk out of Fraser?
Who is english teacher, Gibbo, Jaco or Foxy
Who is science teacher Gibbo, Jaco or Foxy
Who is maths teacher Gibbo, Jaco or Foxy
Gibbo is English
Jaco is Maths
Foxy is Science
How many kilometres is indramayu from here?
around 200
Where are kabir and Ved from?