largest archipelago
Indonesia is the world's largest archipelago, made up of over 17,000 islands.
what is a landmark famous in indonesia
Borobudur Temple
what is the history behind Indonesia
After a period of occupation by the Japanese (1942–45) during World War II, Indonesia declared its independence from the Netherlands in 1945
who is a famous personn from indonesia
Margaret Mead
what is the main religion in indonesia
Islam is the largest religion in Indonesia
biodiversity hotshot
Indonesia is home to many endangered and exotic wildlife, including the Komodo dragon.
what are 3 important landmark
Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung,
how did muslims go to Indonesia
traders from Arabia, Gujarat and China arrived in what is now Indonesia, seeking cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg
who was the most famous actor
Laura Gemser, Iko Uwais, and Agnez Mo
what is the main religion in Indonesia
Diverse population
Indonesia has over 600 ethnic groups and subgroups.
which city is the richest in inndonesia
Jakarta metropolitan
who was indonesia colonesia by
Portuguese, Dutch, French, British, and Japanese.
who is the greatest king of indonesia
Hayam Wuruk
What region is Indonesia in?
Southeast Asia and Oceania
Large Muslim population:
Indonesia has over 200 million Muslims, more than any other country.
which is the beautiful city in Indonesia
Batu, East Java, Solo, Central Java, Bogor, West Java
how did indonesia get rich
fertile land suitable for agriculture
who is the creator god of indonesia
Batara Guru
Region Count
two special regions
Large economy
Indonesia is the largest economy in Southeast Asia and is predicted to be the 7th largest economy in the world by 2030.
what is the city in Indonesia in 2024
what was the original religion of indonesia
Hinduism and Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism
what is the most famous dance in Indonesia?
Saman Dance, Aceh
Is Indonesia Asia or Middle East
Is Indonesia Asia or Middle East