•For five years in a row, I have seen bears in the woods in June but not May.

They will only see bears in June. 


•Weather Patterns:

•Observation: Every time it has rained in the past month, the ground has been wet.

•Pattern: Rain usually makes the ground wet.

If it rains today, the ground will likely be wet. 


•Puzzle: The Mysterious FruitsYou are in a magical fruit garden where each fruit has a special pattern on its skin. You notice the following:

•Fruit A: Has red stripes and is sweet.

•Fruit B: Has red stripes and is sweet.

•Fruit C: Has red stripes and is sweet.

•Fruit D: Has blue dots and is sour.

•Fruit E: Has blue dots and is sour.

•Fruit F: Has blue dots and is sour.

 What would you expect the taste to be if you find a new fruit with blue dots?

The new fruit of blue dots will be sour. 


•While shopping for groceries, I was in the produce section checking for ripe avocados. I picked up one avocado and it was not ripe enough to eat. I picked up another and it was also underripe.

The next avocado she picks up it will be underripe. 


•Animal Behavior:

•Observation: The last five dogs I met all barked when they saw strangers.

•Pattern: Dogs tend to bark at strangers.

Most dogs probably bark at strangers. 

  • You notice that every time you water the plants, they grow taller the next day.
  • Over several weeks, the same thing happens.

Watering plants makes them grow.


•2, 4, 6, 8, 10- What can we conclude the next number will be?

12, 14, 16, etc. 


•School Performance:

•Observation: Sarah scored A's on all her math tests this semester.

•Pattern: Sarah does very well on math tests.

Sarah will likely score well on her next math test. 

  • You observe that your friend always wears a raincoat when it rains.
  • Every time it rains, other people you know also wear raincoats.

People wear raincoats when it rains.


•Triangle, square, circle, triangle, square, circle, triangle, -What can we conclude the next shape will be?



•Food Preferences:

•Observation: Every time I’ve eaten pizza, I’ve enjoyed it.

•Pattern: I generally enjoy pizza.

I will probably enjoy pizza the next time I eat it. 

  • You observe that every time you see a swan, it is white.
  • You see 5 more swans, and they are all white too.

Next time I see a scan it will be white. 


•Health Symptoms:

•Observation: Whenever I eat dairy, I feel stomach discomfort.

•Pattern: Dairy seems to cause stomach discomfort for me.

I might have a sensitivity or intolerance to dairy.