Major Inventions
Cartoon Analysis
Immigration at the turn of the 19th Century (LAST TWO HAS MORE THAN ONE ANSWER)
Big Business vs. Labor
Three Major Strikes

Who invented the Telephone?

Alexander Graham Bell


What symbols do you see in this cartoon? 

  • The fat/ rich guys 

  • The workers/ poor guys 

  • The amount of salary per week

  • Hard times on the right bottom corner 


Their immigration was restricted by an exclusion act. They mainly settled in California and New York City. Some worked as laborers, others opened laundries, and others worked on railroads. Most often, these immigrants came through Angel Island. After their immigration was restricted, they were still able to immigrate by claiming to be the son of another immigrant.

Chinese immigrants


Complete ownership or control over a particular trade or service.



This event involved the Knights of Labor. This strike also involved anarchists and a bomb being thrown. These strikers were arguing for an 8-hour workday. This strike involved policemen being shot. This strike involved policemen being shot.

The May Day Strike/Haymarket Riot


Who invented the Model T?

Henry Ford  


What groups of people are represented in this cartoon? Are they realistic looking, or exaggerated?

They are industrial bosses. They are exaggerated because they made them very large with bags of money.


They mainly settled in the Southwest portion of the United States. Some of this group came to work in gold and silver mines. Members of this immigrant group were often hired to harvest crops.

Mexican Immigrants 


Businesses that sell portions of ownership called stock shares.



This strike occurred in Pennsylvania. This strike involved Carnegie Steel. This strike involved Henry Clay Frick. This strike involved the Pinkertons.

The Homestead Strike


Who invented the Light bulb?

Thomas Edison


Are there any stereotypes?

The fat people and the workers 


Most of these immigrants were farmers in rural areas. They mainly settled in the midwest. Many of these immigrants were attracted by the promise of free land through the Homestead Act.  

Scandinavian Immigrants


A number of companies legally grouped together under one board of directors.



This strike involved Eugene Debs and the American Railway Union. This strike turned into a general strike of all railroad workers.

The Pullman Strike


Who invented the Motion Picture Camera?

Thomas Edison


Do you think the cartoonist is being sarcastic? Why?

Yes because they are making the rich people fat.


1. They often left their home country because they were fleeing the destructive violence of the pogroms. This immigrant group often spoke Yiddish. 

2. Some immigrants in this group would work as construction workers in the summer and then go back to their home country for the winter. Known as “birds of passage.”

1. Jewish (Russian)

2. Italian


The business practice of owning all of the businesses involved in each step of a manufacturing process.

vertical integration


1. This strike occurred in or near Chicago. (2 Answers)

2. This strike occurred in part because wages were cut (2 Answers)

1. The May Day Strike/Haymarket Riot & The Pullman Strike

2. The Homestead Strike & The Pullman Strike


Who invented Direct Current? 

Who invented Alternating Current? 

Thomas Edison

Nikola Tesla


What is the historical context (what is happening in history) of the cartoon? 

The industrial bosses are making a lot of money and their workers are the backbone of there businesses.


1. Some worked as peddlers in NYC and sold goods off of push carts. They mainly settled in the Northeast area of the United States. 2. They often lived in tenement housing in New York City. 3. These immigrants most often came through Ellis Island. 

1. Jewish (Russian) & Italian immigrants 

2. Jewish (Russian) & Italian & Chinese immigrants

3. Jewish (Russian) & Scandinavian & Italian immigrants


This strike was not successful. (3 answers)

The May Day Strike/Haymarket Riot & The Homestead Strike AND The Pullman Strike