James Watt
what is invented the steam engine
long hard hours
12+ hour days
What is true about early factory work
Trade unions
What is workers uniting together to improve working conditions. Main tactic used was strikes
What is a society and economy focused on individual ownership
Bessemer Process
What is made steel very fast
Flying shuttle
What is made weaving much faster
beside rivers
What is where first workshops were built
What is it when companies work together to control prices.
What is a society and economy focused on SOME government or society ownership
Spinning Jenny
What is the invention to help speed up thread making
less wars
What is the main reason population went up in the early Industrial Revolution
The Middle Class
What class invested the most in new factories
What is a society and economy focused on government controlling EVERYTHING
Thomas Edison
What is invented the incandescent light bulb
cotton cloth
What was the first and biggest industry affected by the Industrial Revolution
Vertical Monopoly
What is a monopoly where a company controls all parts of production
Standard Oil is an example
Radical Reformer
What is a group that wanted to make major changes
Henry Ford
What is who invented the assembly line
What is where did the Industrial Revolution begin
Horizontal Monopoly
What is a monopoly where a company controls one part of production completely
moderate reformers
What is a group that wants to improve problems over time