Why (3) did early factories hire children?
After 1500's Europe's population?
What were the Luddites most famous for?
destroying factories and machines
What was Karl Marx's goal?
absolute equality
Capitalism is also known as (F E)?
Free Enterprise
What is a Free Market?
Competition based privately owned businesses offering a similar product or service.
Which (3) inventions helped people make cloth faster and easier?
Spinning Jenny
Water Frame
Cotton Gin
What did Robert Owen try to establish?
a perfect community.
Karl Marx was also the author of which book?
Das Kapital
Capitalism has R?
From what group of people did early factory workers come?
What is capital?
money invested to make more money
What is a strike?
a protest in which workers agree to stop working.
The United States today is
Capitalism has Com?
What was an important source of energy in the 1700's?
Describe mercantilism:
A country can grow rich by controlling trade
Who wrote Communist Manifesto?
Karl Marx
What (2) is a socialist idea that has been adopted by American capitalist society?
Welfare and Social Security
Capitalism has Ch
Who perfected the steam engine?
James Watt
Which idea (C) did not interest Adam Smith?
Communism aimed to abolish
private property
What was an achievement of Benjamin Disraeli?
He passed laws to help working people
What happened to Socialist Venezuela?
Failed miserably.