Name any invention from the first or second Industrial Revolution
(Answers Vary) What is the steam engine, spinning jenny, electricity, telegraph, cotton gin, railway, production of steel/iron, etc...?
Planting crops in a method that allows for increased crop variety and longevity while preventing the fields from losing all their important minerals
What is crop rotation?
A period of major technological and economic change, innovation and shift from manual production to machine manufacturing
What is the Industrial Revolution?
Movement of people from rural farms to the cities
What is urbanization?
European countries that held the most territory in Africa
What are Great Britain and France?
The source of energy discovered during the Industrial Revolution used to power the steam engine
What is coal?
Improving livestock breeding and creating better varieties of crops
What is reclaiming land and the renewal of soil?
An economic system in which the means of production are owned and operated by individuals for a profit
What is capitalism?
Multistory buildings divided into apartments
What are tenements?
The causes of the Industrial Revolution
What is the Agricultural Revolution, an explosion in population and a revolution in energy?
Makes planting grain more efficient
What are improved farming methods?
Production in which tasks are done by individuals at home; this industry disappeared due to the introduction of machinery that was too large and expensive to be operated at home
What is the cottage industry?
The idea that the goal of society should be "the greatest happiness for the greatest number" of its citizens
What is utilitarianism?
Reasons for European imperialism
What are the need for raw materials, economic motivations, and search for new markets and industrial competition between nations? (Answers Vary)
The four factors of production
What are natural resources, labor, capital and entrepreneurship?
Increasing efficiency by combining smaller plots of land that was common and enclosing it and making it privately owned
What is the enclosure movement?
Marked by the emergence of the following technology: iron, steam engines, and the textile industry
What is the first phase of the Industrial Revolution?
System in which the people as a whole rather than private individuals own all property and operate all businesses
What is socialism?
Social Impacts of imperialism
Whare is the spread of European languages and culture, racial theories and discrimination, and education systems? (Answers Vary)
Improvements in the medical field, increased nutrition, and a greater food supply led to
What is an increase in population or decline in death rates?
How people worked before the Industrial Revolution
What is using handmade tools, making their own clothing, growing their own food and exchanging goods at the market?
Marked by the emergence of the following technology: steel, chemicals, electricity, and petroleum
What is the second phase of the industrial Revolution?
A type of socialism, created by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, where the means of production are owned by the community
What is communism?
Outcome of the Berlin Conference of 1884
What is the establishment of rules for diving Africa, forbidding slave trade, and declaring the Congo River Basin neutral? (Answers Vary)