Factors of Production
Big Ideas/Effects
City Life/Misc.

The creator of the steam engine.  His invention benefited many industries as it was a mobile and efficient power source.

Who is James Watt?


This factor of production includes all the efforts of people in a business.

What is labor?


This process can best be described as the population of an area increases due to newcomers seeking work.

What is urbanization?


This was one of the biggest results of machine made products vs. handmade goods.

Products became more affordable and accessible


These groups were hired primarily because they would complete factory work at cheaper rates.

Who are women, children, and the Irish?


This man is credited with major advancements in the field of communications like morse code and improving upon the telegraph.

Who is Samuel Morse?


This factor of production includes all the physical tools a person will use in order to complete their job.

Physical Capital


These two geographic features made it much easier for industrialization to occur in Great Britain.

What are rivers and harbors?


They had all the factors of production, natural resources, and agricultural based economy.

What are the reasons the Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain?


This economic system was practiced in Great Britain during the Industrial Revolution.  It was noted for its lack of government involvement and reliance upon individuals to make choices.

What is capitalism?


The creator of the cotton gin.  His invention allowed raw cotton to be processed much faster than individuals could do by hand thereby greatly improving the textile industry.

Who is Eli Whitney?


This factor of production includes "gifts of nature" meaning natural resources.

What is land?


This allowed the population growth that occurred in Great Britain that would ultimately help lead to the Industrial Revolution.

What is the Agricultural Revolution? (crop rotations, livestock breeding techniques, new crop experiments)


This concept describes the movement of people from tiny villages to the growing cities.

What is rural to urban migration?


This resulted in people seeing and spending less time with their families during the Industrial Revolution.

What are longer working hours in the factories?


The creator of the seed drill. His invention allowed for greater efficiency while planting crops.

Who is Jethro Tull?


This factor of production includes all the knowledge, experience, and skills that people possess that will assist them in completing their job.

What is human capital?


This term describes the transition in Great Britain from an agricultural society to a manufacturing one.

What is industrialization?

This enabled producers to make goods quicker and more efficiently thus enabling them to lower the prices and allow more consumers to have access to them

What is mechanization?


This was produced by factories, and made the air dark and difficult to breathe.

What is smoke?


The creator of the waterframe. His invention allowed cloth to be spun significantly faster than individuals could do in their homes.  Greatly benefitted the textile industry.

Who is Richard Arkwright?


This person is responsible for combining the factors of production in order to create goods and services that they will then sell for a profit.

What is an entreprenuer?

Deposits of these materials gave Great Britain a distinct advantage when it came to industrializing their economy.

What are coal and iron ore?


This small group emerged during the Industrial Revolution and lived a very comfortable lifestyle.

Who are the Middle Class?


This economic system was pioneered by Karl Marx and was advocated for by many factory workers during the Industrial Revolution.  It theoretically relies upon community ownership of the factors of production.

What is communism?