Name a Captain of Industry
What is Andrew Carnegie, J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Henry Ford, Cornelius Vanderbilt
The economic system of the United States
What is Capitalism
This president won the 1896 election due to political contributions from some of the Captains of Industry
what is President McKinley
New demographic (type of population) joining the workforce creating two-wage earner households
Andrew Carnegie immigrated from Scotland as a young boy
Rockefeller controlled this product, at his peak owning 90% of the entire world's supply.
What is Oil
"Hands off" economics, opposed government intervention into business
What is Laissez- Faire
Name 2 of the natural resources necessary for the Industrial Revolution
What is Coal, Oil Iron, Water
What is rural communities
The Granger Movement was primarily an organization of big business leaders.
False, primarily made up of farmers
Andrew Carnegie grew this industry through vertical integration
What is Steel
Monopolies eliminate blank and drive costs blank
What is competition and up
This late 19th-century movement organized farmers into a powerful lobbying group to fight against unfair railroad practices and grain storage fees.
what is The Grange movement
What is immigration
During the Industrial Revolution, everyone could afford the necessities easily
False 40-60% poverty rates
An alternative name for "Captains of Industry", a perhaps more dubious name
What is Robber Baron
At this time, workers worked this many hours and this many days a week
What is 12-16 hours a day, 6 days a week
High blanks kept foreign goods out of the United States' markets
This popular literary genre, named after its most famous author, promoted the idea that hard work alone was sufficient for achieving the American Dream.
What is the Horatio Alger myth?
The Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 ended Laissez-Faire economics in the United States
Cornelius Vanderbilt owned so many of these they named a college after him.
What is Railroads
Carnegie believed the wealthy had an obligation to
What is give away their wealth to help the poor at the end of their life
Munn V. Illinois established this precedent
what is State's can regulate local businesses
This application of evolutionary theory to business and society was used to justify laissez-faire capitalism and oppose government regulation.
What is Social Darwanism
The Homestead Strike of 1892 happened at one of Rockefeller's Oil Refineries
False, one of Carnegie's Steel Factories in Pennsylvania