This famous inventor invented both the Cotton Gin and Interchangeable parts.
Eli Whitney
What did inventions like the steamboat and railroad do
Made it easier for transportation and trade.
What is the rapid growth of cities
What is the economic system that allows people to buy, sale , and make what they want?
Free Enterprise
What event started the industrial revolution
War of 1812
This invention was made to keep cattle in an area. It was also made to keep cattle out of crops.
Barbed Wire
What did the Invention of the Cotton Gin increase in the south besides cotton production
Why did rapid urbanization happen? (why were people moving to the city)
Job Opportunities in factories
what is the relationship between the government and a free enterprise economy
Limited government interference
What were the three regions the USA had after the War of 1812?
North, South, and West
What are identically made parts that can be changed or switched out easily? This also led to mass production.
Interchangeable parts
In order to deliver the increased amount of goods improved transportation was needed. So they started to make these man-made rivers
Why did the Irish people leave Ireland
The Potatoe Famine
What drives the prices in a free enterprise economy?
Supply and Demand
Why did the Industrail Revolution begin in the New England Region?
Fast moving riversto power the machines and rocky soal made it difficult to farm
An invention that revolutionized textile industry by making it possible to spin several threads at once.
Spinning Jenny
Robert Fulton created this and it made it easier to transport goods and people
The Steam Boat
Why were Immigrants coming to America
Factory jobs.
What happened to prices as things become more efficient and productive?
The went down
What state did the USA get after the Adams Onis Treaty?
An invention that improved agriculture by making it easier to separate cotton seeds from cotton fibers
Cotton Gin
Invented by Samuel F.B. Morse
The telegraph
What are the three negative things that come with rapid urbanization
Overcrowding, Pollution / unsanitary, and Crime
When you have total control over a market? (Think a game)
What compromise gave the USA Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state
Missouri Compromise