What is Industrialization?
The process of developing machine production of goods
What is a factory?
A large building in which machinery is used to manufacture goods
What is urbanization?
The growth of cities and the migration of people to them
How were women affected by industrialization and mass society?
Women rolls changed a lot, they went to domesticated work, then to the women's suffrage movement and getting equal the ability to own somethings in certain countries but not all until after WW1
Why did Japan transform itself into an imperialist power?
They had to move and expand because they were running out of natural recourses as they are an island
Where did industrialization begin?
What could unions do to bargain for better working conditions?
Threaten to strike, or stop working
What is division of labor?
When one worker specializes in doing one task
Writer of the communist manifesto
Karl Marx
What is communism?
An economic system in which all means of production are owned by the collective and private property does not exist nor social classes.
What are the three factors of production?
Land, labor, capital (or wealth)
Name the ideology that favors the extension of natural rights to women
What is mass production?
The system of manufacturing large numbers of identical items
How did the Meiji Restoration change Japan?
It changed the social structure got rid of the Shogun and transformed the landscape in about 30 years
What is socialism?
An economic system in which the factors of production are owned by the workers
What is an assembly line?
an arrangement in which a product is moved from worker to worker, with each person performing a single task in its manufacture
Ideology that promotes the creation of nations based on common cultural traits.
Why did Western nations commit to public education?
What is after the second Industrial revolution jobs in the assembly line became more specialized so now people needed the skills to perform these jobs
What is economic interdependence?
A situation where people rely on others to provide the goods and services they need
What is capitalism?
An economic system based on private ownership and on the investment of money in business ventures in order to make a profit
What natural resources did England have that helped them to industrialize early?
Water power and coal, iron ore, rivers, harbors
Name FOUR problems of early industrialization
Poor living conditions: Poverty, sanitation problems, crowded living conditions, epidemics, families separated by different workplaces
Poor working conditions: long hours, dangerous machinery, child labor
Class tensions
Name FOUR major improvements in transportation that spurred the Industrial Revolution?
Steam engine
steam boats
improved roads
Name FOUR positive long-term effects of the Industrial Revolution
Healthier diets
better housing
cheaper clothing
expanding educational opportunities
most people can afford good that were luxuries in the past
living and working conditions are much improved
tax revenues enabling governments to invest in society and raise standards of living
What led to the end of Japanese Isolationism?
An American Battleship showing up in 1853