Monopoly Men
I.D. Terms
America: History of Us
This man came to America from Scotland as a poor immigrant. He worked at a cotton mill for $1.20 a week before becoming one of the wealthiest men in America due to his domination of the steel industry.
Who is Andrew Carnegie?
This man invented the light bulb and was known as "the wizard of Menlo Park".
Who is Thomas Edison?
This term means the growth of factories and the development of early cities in the late 1800's and early 1900's.
What is Industrialization?
This energy source is used mostly for heat energy and men would spend long hours in mine shafts in order to obtain the product.
What is coal?
The statue of liberty was a gift given to America from another nation. Name this country.
What is France?
This man invented the model T in 1908. He hired workers for $5 a day and had better working conditions than most factories during the time period.
Who is Henry Ford?
This man offered $100,000 to the Western and Southern company to buy his patent for the telephone and they refused in 1876. He went on to make millions from the technology.
Who is Alexander Graham Bell?
This means to have complete control or power over an entire industry.
What is a monopoly?
This metal was once only used by the wealthy because it was so difficult to produce. It is a raw material that under massive heat and pressure can be turned into a cheap and accessible product used in railways, appliances, skyscrapers and machines in the age of Industrialization.
What is iron ore?
The immigration processing center located near the statue of liberty is known as __________ island.
What is Ellis?
This man founded the Standard Oil company along with his brother near Cleveland Ohio. He used strong arm tactics to gain control of over 90% of the oil industry.
Who is John D. Rockefeller?
This man was given credit for inventing the cotton gin in 1794 which was used to extract the seeds from cotton in textile mills around the United States.
Who is Eli Whitney?
This is a metal used in the age of Industrialization that was used in buildings, home appliances, interchangeable parts and even the statue of liberty.
What is copper?
Name two improvements that were made in fighting crime during this time period.
What is the mug shot? What is creating a criminal profile?
This man made his millions in the shipping and railroad industries. He helped to found a prominent university located in Tennessee.
Who is Cornelius Vanderbilt?
This man was the first to drill for oil or "black gold" during the age of industrialization.
Who is Edwin L. Drake?
This form of fuel is used in street lights and lamps and was the only form of light after dark before the invention of the light bulb.
What is kerosene?
This form of transportation allowed for people to move along city streets using electricity. They were connected to power lines and helped people get up and down hills if necessary.
What is the street car/street cars?
Jacob Riis wrote a book called "How the Other half Lives" selling over 28 million copies. Describe what the book was about and how he presented the information to the wealthy.
What is urban poor/slum life? What is taking photographs?
This man had a stranglehold on the banking industry during the age of industrialization. He merged companies with U.S. Steel along with Andrew Carnegie to expand his power.
Who is J.P. Morgan?
This man invented one of the first forms of the steam engine in 1795.
Who is James Watt?
These were farming inventions that allowed for a less demand for labor in rural areas and pushed people in America to move towards the Midwest and Northeast in order to find industrial jobs.
What is the mechanical reaper and steel plow?
Name two forms of transportation that have not been mentioned in the jeopardy game so far. They must be modes of transportation used in the age of Industrialization.
What is the steam ship, subway, horse and carriage?
146 immigrant women died in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in 1911. Name at least one long term positive impact that resulted from the fire.
What are fire codes> safety codes?