Industrial Revolution: Causes and Effects
Industrial Revolution: Technology Advances
Nationalism, Unification, & Reform
Realism & New Age of Science
Where and when did the Industrial Revolution begin?
Great Britain in the 1780's
Which invention made the process of spinning thread much faster?
Spinning Jenny
Definition of Abolitionism?
Movement to end slavery.
Definition of Romanticism? (Will be looking for specific things)
Intellectual movement and reaction to the Enlightenment in the 18th century that focused on emotions, feelings, and imagination.
Definition of Secularization?
Indifference to or rejection of religion or religious consideration.
Expansion of farmland, good weather, improved transportation, and new crops led to...
Agricultural Revolution - Increase in food supply
Definition of Entrepreneur? (looking for specific points in the definition/meaning)
Person who finds or creates new business opportunities or new ways to make a profit
Which 2 groups of territories/states finally united to form countries in the late 1800's.
German (Germany) and Italian (Italy)
Provide one example of Romantic music and Romantic literature:
Music - Beethoven Literature - Mary Shelley's Frankenstein; Edgar Allen Poe
Definition of Realism?
19th century movement that rejected Romanticism and sought to portray life as it actually was for the lower and middle classes.
What is socialism?
System where society, usually the government, owns and controls the means of production.
What invention allowed factories to be built anywhere and not just by water and who invented/improved it?
Steam engine; James Watt
Describe the few success stories of Nationalism during the early 1800's:
Both French revolutions were seen as successful (II & III) and Belgium won their independence.
Which literary form or medium did Romantics view as a "direct expression of the soul"?
List at least 3 characteristics of Realism art/literature:
*Answers from chunk & chew notes
List all 5 causes of the Industrial Revolution. (*Extra 100 if you can put them in the order they are described in the textbook)
Agricultural Revolution/Increase food supply, population growth, supply of money/capital, plentiful natural resources, and supply of British (international) markets.
Summarize how the cottage industry became inefficient and unnecessary:
*See teacher for answer (nodding/smiling is good, blank stare is bad)
How did Great Britain avoid political revolution during the first half of the 19th century?
Gave middle class males the right to vote, passed other social/political reforms and economically benefited from the Industrial Revolution.
List at least 4 characteristics of Romantic art/literature/music:
*Refer to teacher
How did scientific developments and new discoveries/theories lead to an increase of secularization?
Benefits from science widely affected all/most Europeans which led people to believe in science over religion.
Describe how the Industrial Revolution effected industries, manufacturing, and workers. (must mention all 3)
*See teacher for details (nodding my head is good, wincing is bad)
How did the creation of the factory system create a new labor system?
*Work in shifts year round *travel from home to work * disciplined/strict work atmosphere, could be punished for poor behavior *child labor (beaten) *dangerous/unhealthy
Explain how Nationalism led to revolutions and reforms in the 9th century:
*See teacher for approval head nod or shake
Romantics developed a love for __________, which led to criticism for 18th century ___________ and the ______________ _______________.
Nature, science, Industrial Revolution
Summarize Darwin's theory of natural selection: (Will be looking for certain things mentioned)
Some organisms are more adaptable to their environment than others; survival of the fittest; humans are no exception.