Trusts & Monopolies
Western Expansion & Native Americans
Immigration & Urbanization
Labor Movements

This act, passed in 1890, was the first major law to address monopolies and trusts in the United States.

What is the Sherman Antitrust Act?


The effect of mechanized farming in the late 19th and early 20th centuries on agriculture.

What is making agricultural production more efficient?


Most treaties between the U.S. government and American Indian tribes had this effect.

What is the removal or loss of American Indian lands?


This group of Americans was highly prejudiced toward immigrants and supported strict immigration laws.

Who are the nativists?


The Pullman Strike, Haymarket Affair, and Homestead Strike were all marked by this common factor.

What is violence?


The Sherman Antitrust Act aimed to prevent this business practice that eliminates competition.

What is the formation of monopolies or trusts?


The laissez-faire economic policy suggests that the government should do what to businesses?

What is leave businesses alone? Hands off Economy.


White settlers drove off American Indians off to obtain this.

What is land or natural resources?


A significant pull factor that drew European immigrants to the U.S. after the Civil War.

What is the availability of jobs in factories?


Labor Unions had little achievements at first, however, one major thing they had improved was?

What is the eight hour work day?


This law expanded on previous antitrust laws and prohibited price discrimination. The _______ Antitrust Act. 

What is the Clayton Antitrust Act?


One way industrialization impacted agriculture by reducing the need for this.

What is labor?


Westward expansion significantly impacted Native American tribes by causing this loss.

What is land ownership and rights?


Someone moving from one country to another.

What is immigration?


The factor that led to the growth of labor unions in the early 1900s.

What are unsafe working conditions in large factories?


The main goal of antitrust laws like the Sherman and Clayton Acts was to preserve this in the U.S. economy.

What is Competition?


What is a Monopoly?


These people were directly affected by the westward expansion of white settlers seeking land.

Who are the American Indians?


A significant effect of rapid industrialization in the late 1800s on U.S. workforce was?

What is increased numbers of immigrants seeking employment in urban areas?


Workers during the rise of industrialization often went on strike for these reasons.

What are seeking higher wages and protecting their rights?


This Robber Baron was known for his monopoly on the steel industry in the United States.

Who is Andrew Carnegie?


This innovation, patented by Samuel Morse in 1837, revolutionized long-distance communication during the Industrial Revolution.

What is the telegraph?


This 1887 law aimed to assimilate Native Americans by dividing tribal lands into individual plots

What is the Dawes Act?


This Island in New York City was the first stop for many immigrants arriving in the United States in the early 20th century

What is Ellis Island?


The first major labor union, founded in 1869, sought to unite all workers, regardless of trade, into one organization.

What is the Knights of Labor?