History of Industry 4.0
Key Technologies
Industry 4.0 Concepts
Impact on Labor Market
Industry 4.0 Terminology

What was the primary power source during Industry 1.0?

Steam engines


What does IoT stand for?

Internet of Things


What term refers to the direct cooperation between humans and robots in work assignments?

Cobot or Human-Robot Cooperation


What is a common concern about the impact of Industry 4.0 on jobs?

The elimination of human jobs due to increased automation.


What does ERP stand for?

Enterprise Resource Planning


Who improved the steam engine, making it more efficient in 1764?

James Watt


Which technology uses radio waves to capture information stored on a tag attached to an item?

RFID - Radio Frequency Identification


Which concept involves using sensor data to monitor equipment and predict maintenance needs?

Condition Monitoring


What type of jobs are most at risk due to Industry 4.0?

Highly predictable physical work positions.


What is the role of a Manufacturing Execution System (MES)?

To manage and monitor work-in-process on a factory floor, ensuring real-time optimization of manufacturing.


Which invention by Henry Ford revolutionized manufacturing in Industry 2.0?

The assembly line or Ford production line


What is the function of Big Data in Industry 4.0?

It helps manage and analyze large data sets that are too complex for traditional database software.


What is the Automation Pyramid?

A hierarchical structure used in industrial production, mapping out the value creation process from planning to execution.


What new types of jobs are expected to emerge from Industry 4.0?

Jobs that service and manage automated systems, requiring higher qualifications.


What is cloud computing in the context of Industry 4.0?

The provision of IT infrastructure and services over the internet, allowing for data storage and computing power without on-site software installation.


What major technology marked the beginning of Industry 3.0?

The development of computers


What are cyber-physical systems?

Integrated systems combining embedded systems with physical processes to collaborate and cooperate as a unified system over a network.


What is the difference between Vertical and Horizontal Integration in Industry 4.0?

Vertical Integration connects operations from the shop floor to the top floor, while Horizontal Integration connects operations beyond internal functions to external partners like suppliers.


How is Industry 4.0 expected to affect manufacturing?

It will lead to more flexible and individualized production processes.


What is the purpose of OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA)?

To standardize communication between machines, enabling them to exchange information despite different manufacturers.


In what year and at what event was the term "Industrie 4.0" revived?

2011 at the Hannover Fair


Which technology allows for the virtual simulation of a physical counterpart, adapting as changes occur?

Digital Twin


What are the three socio-technological changes driving Industry 4.0?

Physical megatrends, Digital megatrends, Biological megatrends


What is the predicted shift in labor demand due to Industry 4.0?

A shift towards jobs that require higher qualifications and skills to manage advanced technologies.


Define "Smart Factory."

A highly automated and networked manufacturing environment that utilizes cyber-physical systems to improve efficiency and flexibility.