Care&Health Conditions

This type of development refers to the progression of development beginning with the head and moving down to the feet.

What is cephalocaudal development?


The ability to understand that people, objects, and places still exist even when they are no longer seen, felt, or heard is called what?

What is object permanence?


What is the term for actions one person demonstrates to another person to show closeness to that person?

 What is attachment?


What is the condition in which a baby has intense abdominal pain and cries inconsolably?

What is colic?


True or False: Pediatricians compare an infant’s growth measurements to growth charts

What is true?


The ability to use and control the small muscles, especially those in the fingers and hands, is known as what?

What are fine motor skills?


This stage of cognitive development, according to Piaget, is the first one where children use their senses and motor skills to learn and communicate.

What is the sensorimotor stage?


The general mood of a person is known as what?

What are emotions?


What is the condition in which a sleeping baby dies without warning and for medically unexplained reasons?

What is Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)?


True or False: Babies should be fed when hungry rather than on a set schedule.

What is true?

Being able to use large muscles to roll over, sit, crawl, stand, and walk is an example of what type of skills?

What are gross motor skills?


What is the reflex that causes a newborn to turn its head and move its mouth when its cheeks or skin around the mouth are touched?

What is the rooting reflex?


What is the anxiety common in infants caused by the fear that loved ones who leave them in the care of others will not return?

What is separation anxiety?


Gradually taking infants off the breast or bottle is known as what?

What is weaning?


First set of teeth, which will later be replaced by permanent teeth

What is Deciduous teeth


What is the condition in which a child fails to grow at a healthy rate?

What is failure to thrive?


Which of the following is one of the first motor skills to develop in a baby?

What is lifting the head?


What are the thoughts that lead to feelings and cause changes in the body called?

What are emotions?


Wrapping a baby in a blanket snuggly is called what?

What is swaddling?


When talking to a baby, it is best to use baby talk so the baby can understand more easily.

What is false?


What is the stage of development during the first year of life?

What is infancy?


In the first stage of intellectual development, Piaget believed that infants primarily learn through their ________.

 What are senses and motor skills?


To ease stranger anxiety in a baby, caregivers should 

A. Pretend that the baby already knows the new person

B. Allow new people to hold the baby

C. Leave the room when the baby is with a new person

D. Give the baby time to adjust to the new person 


What is give the baby time to adjust to the new person


When holding a newborn, it is important to support the baby’s head and _______.

What is neck?


A baby’s basic source of nutrition in the first year comes from solid foods

What is false?