Staff health
Environmental Cleaning
Transmission based precautions

Your colleague has come to work unwell with a runny nose and cough. What should you do?

Tell them to go back outside and wear a mask and refer to your Shift Co-ordinator


What factors can impede effective cleaning?

Insufficient storage

Healthcare staff not taking responsibility for cleaning

Non-intact furniture


What PPE would you don for Droplet precautions?

Gloves, gown, surgical mask & goggles


How long must you remain off work if you have gastro?

48 hours after the last vomit and last episode of diarrhoea


What actions should you take if you have an occupational exposure?

Apply appropriate first aid

Find an occupational exposure pack

Inform the shift co-ordinator

Email your link nurse and Clinical Nurse Manager


What are 5 things staff are expected to do to maintain minimum personal hygiene

▪ Shower at least daily

▪ Wear hair neat and tidy and tied back if long

▪ No false nails

▪ Nails clean, short and free of polish

▪ Bare below the elbows, no wrist watch, no long sleeves

▪ No excess jewelry in clinical settings

▪ No lanyards (except in mental health areas)

▪ Closed in shoes


What precautions does a patient with diarrhoea and vomiting require?

Contact precautions (gloves, & gown)

Bonus points: or Airborne (gloves, gown, N95 & goggles) if suspected COVID


What are the 5 Moments of hand hygiene?

Before touching a patient

Before a procedure 

After a procedure

After touching the patient

After touching a patient's surroundings